Chapter 13

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Third Person's POV

Y/n was staring at the ceiling of his room with a frown on his face

An vivid image of a woman who's smiling at him appeared in his mind instead of the memories he had in the headquarters, he clicked his tounge after another failed attempt of bringing back his memories

As of now all he can remember are the names and they're sanemi and oyakata-sama only, but the memories during his stay in the headquarters were still hazy

His mind were being flood by the memories of his father which annoyed him more

"Can't he just give me blood instead of his memories? I don't need it.." he grumbled and rolled over his futon burying his face into his pillow


He looked up and whipped his head around his room looking for the source of voice but only met with a dim room

"How have you been?"

A woman with angelic voice appeared in front of him, her face was blurred out, she reached out to Y/n her palm was placed onto his cold pale cheek

The warmth y/n felt made him feel somewhat nostalgic, the feelings he's feeling right now was so familiar to him

He unconsciously leaned into the touch, her thumb drew circles on his right cheek

"Y/n..." she called

Y/n closed his eyes and felt a warm lips pressed against his right eye, he grabbed her wrist afraid that she might disappear

"Y/n, you should go back"

He slowly opened his eyes and was met with darkness, the warmth was gone his eyes scanned the room and the woman was indeed gone

Without realizing it a tear ran down his cheeks, his hand slowly wiped the tear away and realized that It was blood and it made him confused

"Why am I crying blood?" he asked himself, completely confused.

Soon his question was answered when an intense pain erupted from his right eye, the pain was unbearable it felt like someone was digging their fingers inside his eyes and wiggling it inside

He screamed in pain as he covered his bleeding eye, the floor to his room was now covered by his blood

He stood up and stumbled his way towards the door, his vision was slowly turning black as he slid opened his door

There stood by the door was non other than his Father who's glaring down at him, he felt a shiver ran down his spine

It was the same look his father would give him whenever he's disappointed with him

Each second he looked up to his father his eye would throb as if it'll explode

"What... What are you doing to me?" he asked

His body starts shaking, he felt like the situation have happened before

The pain on his eye subsided, dropping down his hand his vision soon starts coming back

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