Chapter 3

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Third Person's POV

A few weeks later:

Walking alone in the estate was a twelve years old boy holding a handmade doll he received from one of kagaya's daughter

By the garden he spotted a pillar, it was the pillar who attacked him, Taking a step back he slowly walked away

"Oi, what the hell are you doing here?" he freezes when suddenly a cold metal was again pressed into his neck

"I.. I was..just walking around." he stuttered

The aura that was coming from the wind pillar was too strong causing the boy to shake in fear

Y/n slowly raised his hand to grab sanemi's wrist

"P-please.. Let go" he slowly tugged on his sleeves

Sanemi moved away and pushed y/n harshly causing him to fall on the floor

"Listen here you anything stupid and I'll decapitate your head, understand?" he snapped

The kid nodded before running away, his footsteps were light as air

Maybe he should've just stayed inside his room, since only oyakata-sama and his family are the one's who accepted him wholeheartedly

"Ara~ Y/N-kun you seemed to be deep in your thoughts~" a soothing voice came up behind him

"Hello, Shinobu-San." he greeted while bowing deeply

"Lift your head up, I'm only here since I've received orders from oyakata-sama alongside with tomioka-san." she smiled

The boy tilted his head to the side, every time he sees that smile he knew it was fake but decided to leave her alone

"Be careful, Shinobu-San, tomioka-san." he whispered before excusing himself

Being around the pillars were nerve wrecking for him, because one wrong move he'll have his head flying off

He sighed before entering his room to his surprise kiriya was there, Oyakata-sama's eldest son

He was holding a stack of paper and inks along with a few brushes

"y/n! I know that you're still having a hard time adjusting here so I want to lend you some things that can help you." he smiled, y/n simply bowed and muttered a small 'thank you', Kiriya soon left y/n Alone.

He sat down and tried to distract himself by painting unaware of a kid peeking through his door with a satisfied smile before running away.


When he was about to finish his 'Masterpiece' he sensed something

He gently placed down the brush and slowly heads outside his room towards the front of the estate where he met the pillars

He peeked out the door and saw what's happening.

There stood Oyakata-sama with his twins facing the pillars, and the burgundy boy who's being held down by iguro-san.

He remained quiet trying not to make any sounds but failed when suddenly he was yanked out the room by a certain pillar and got dragged in the middle of the room

He noticed the box in the middle with droplets of bloods that somewhat made him feel hungry, it was intoxicating and mouth watering

He gulped and shakily looked away, his demon senses were tingling

"Looks like someone's spying." sanemi said

The attention was now on him even the boy who's being held down

"A demon?" the burgundy hair boy blurted out causing y/n to flinched

"Forgive me, but I.. I sensed something and.. And-" he was cut off when suddenly Tanjiro breaks free from his restraints and called out for his sister 'Nezuko' who seemed to refuse to take sanemi's blood

Y/n slowly backs away only to be grabbed by his haori and thrown out the estate and into the pillars, Kanroji catches him and held his shaking body close to her calming him down

"Sanemi, that was unnecessary." Oyakata-sama said

"Forgive me, but he's spying on us." he said pointing at y/n

"H-he's shaking.." Kanroji said while caressing the boy's locks

"He's clearly faking it." iguro muttered while casually sitting on a branch with his snake companion kaburamaru wrapped around his neck

"Care to explain?" oyakata-sama asked

Y/n muttered some words only Kanroji can hear, she felt pity for him. He was shaking and mumbling an apology

"He said he was just curious because he sensed another demon and thought that the estate was being attacked." Kanroji said

Some pillars were surprised some are just not believing it

Tanjiro who was sitting on the ground stared at y/n, the scent he was getting was the same scent he smelled back at his house when the attacked happened

Oyakata-sama smiled and looked back at tanjiro before speaking again

Y/n who was still afraid to let go of the love pillar's arms slowly glanced at Tanjiro

Upon mentioning his father's name he stiffened, he hates to admit it but he's scared of him

After sending tanjiro away towards the butterfly estate the pillar meeting have begun



So let me clarify some things

You might noticed the sudden change of age?

I realized that Six years old was TOO young so I changed the age.

Reader is now 12 years old, if you have any other questions feel free to ask :)

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