2 // foster homes

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"mint oreo?" Callie asked as we pulled up in the steak and shake drive thru.
i nodded my head and she ordered one for me and one for her.
she handed me my milkshake and we pulled over into a parking spot so we could talk. it was late, around 11, but these nights are my favorite.
they reminded me of my mom and i before she passed away.
when i was 9, i lost my mom in a major car accident.
i almost died too.
i left the accident with a broken femur and a broken wrist. along with that, i had a severe concussion.
i was in the hospital for weeks, and it wasn't until a week after the accident that i found out my mom was even gone. every time i asked my nurses where she was and why she couldn't come and see me, they'd either leave or quickly change the subject.
as for my dad, i don't really remember him. he was killed in action in the middle east when i was 2, but my mom always told me how much he loved me. she loved him so much and talked about him all the time. i like to think that they're both together now, happy and watching over me.
after my mom died and i got discharged from children's hospital, i was put into my 1st foster home.
nothing bad happened there. it was a decent family, but they just couldn't take care of me. then, i got placed with another family.
the 2nd one... wasn't as good as the first one. the family was mean. they said i was a "problem child" and i got moved again.
i wasn't a bad kid, i swear. i was always good, and i always did as i was told, but, nothing ever seemed good enough for anyone.
i went through two more home after that. in the 4th one, i literally went through hell.
i'm not going to get into it, because quite honestly, it's embarrassing. i've never told anyone about it.
only the cops and a teacher from school. so, i got moved again.
that's when i got placed with callie, which is where i've been for the last four months.
callie has a husband named john, but i hardly ever see him. he travels a lot for work, which is great because not only do i get callie all to myself, but he's not here.
you see, john is nice.. when he's not drinking.
he can get a little scary. he yells a lot and is really mean to me when he's drunk. he's even tried to come at me a few times.. but callie almost always got in his way.
she'd never let him lay a hand on me.
compared to some foster homes, i'm livin the dream.
i have a foster mom that truly loves me and lots of kids don't get that.

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