6 // stitches

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"man, you've got a pretty good cut there girly," said my nurse as she looked at my head. then she asked the question i had been dreading. "what happened?"
i looked up at her like a deer in headlights.
then, callie jumped in.
"she fell." she said, but judging by the nurses face, i could tell she didn't buy it.
"okay. do you mind stepping outta the room, callie? i have a few questions i need to ask maddie."
callie smiled and nodded. then she got up and left.
"i'm not pregnant or anything, just incase you have to ask. they asked me that when i fainted at track practice two years ago after i hadn't eaten all day, so i-"
"what actually happened?" the nurse asked. "i know you didn't fall. you can either tell me, or tell cps when they get in here. you're a foster kid, so we had to call them. it's protocol."
"i.. callie didn't do anything." i started. "her husband got drunk and he threw a glass and it hit me.. i can't get moved. please." i said and started to cry.
the nurse wrapped me up in a hug. "i'm so sorry," she whispered.
that's when i knew i wouldn't be seeing callie again after tonight.
around 4 am, i finally left the hospital with stitches on my forehead.
because it was so late at night, cps couldn't get me a new placement. so, i ended up being told that i'd be straying at alaynas for a few days.
alaynas mom and i went to callie's and grabbed all of my things, then we drove back to her house.
"alayna is in her room. she knows you're here, so you can just climb in bed. oh, and i called you out of school for tomorrow since it's so late."
i nodded my head and walked upstairs. then, i climbed into alaynas bed and fell asleep.

madeline // a Taylor Swift adoption Where stories live. Discover now