24 // im fine

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i walked over to maddies bed and sat down while i waited for her to finish putting her clean clothes in the drawer.
when she sat down next to me, i put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to me.
she's gonna hate me.. was all i could think about while trying to come up with how i was going to bring this up.
i know shes gonna get mad... i did when i went through the same thing.
finally, after nearly ten minutes, i spoke.
"are you okay?" i asked, and maddie quickly gave me a nod, asking why i asked.
well, here goes nothing.
"well, today when you tried on your swimsuit, i noticed that you've lost a lot of weight... is there something you're not telling me?"
she sat there not saying anything as if she hadn't heard me, so then i said something again.
"are you eating?"
she let out a laugh.
"well yeah obviously." she said.
i let go of her and turned so i was facing her.
"maddie.. you're so much skinnier compared to when i first met you."
"okay and? i work out 6 days a week, taylor." she said, hitting me with the attitude. "obviously i'm fine. i'm not dead or anything." she said, crossing her arms and leaning back against the wall.
i closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, then let it out, trying not to lose my cool.
"you were also doing the same thing before i took you in," i started. "i've seen the comments on your instagram and the headlines about you and the way you look all over social media. you're lying."
maddie rolled her eyes.
"i'm not lying taylor. i'm fine."
"do you promise?" i asked.
maddie uncrossed her arms and nodded her head.


maddies pov

as soon as taylor left my room, i ran into the bathroom and threw up.
every time i get into a stressful situation, i throw up, or feel like i have too.
i've been this way since i was 10, i used to throw up anytime i had to get into a car after almost dying with my mom in the accident.

lying to taylor was stressful.
i hate lying in general, but i never thought i'd have to lie to taylor.
i am fine, but i don't eat.
but i'm not even hungry, so why would i eat?
i threw up again after thinking about the whole situation, trying to be quiet, but i guess i wasn't quiet enough, because this time, taylor came running into the bathroom.

"are you okay? do you feel sick?" she asked with her hand on my back.
i slowly stood up and flushed the toilet, and nodded my head.
i decided that playing the sick card would be the easiest way out of this situation.
it wasn't a total lie.. i did feel sick.
"come on, let's go lay down in my room. i'll get get you a sprite," she said, and i walked over to her room, grabbing my moms old bear from my bed on my way out.

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