15 // a new friend

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i woke up to a soft knock from the door. "maddie, you gotta wake up, you have school." i heard from the doorway.
i grunted and turned over to my side, and taylor spoke again.
"maddie seriouslyyyy, i have to drop you off in half an hour."
"half an hour?!" i heard, and i shot up.
"shoot i don't have time to shower.." i muttered to myself and threw on a random cross country meet t-shirt with some nike shorts.
i then ran down the stair case and taylor had a bowl of cereal waiting for me on the counter.
i quickly ate, put my bowl in the sink, and headed over to the door where taylor was waiting for me.
"ready?" she asked, and i nodded.
"yup." i said, putting on my tennis shoes, and we headed out the door.


"so, you're first class is in the third floor, if you need any help finding anything, just ask a teacher in the hall or come here." said the secretary as she handed me my schedule. "oh and i see you're also running cross country, i was told to tell you that the team meets for practice outside in the field house each day  right after school. so you can head out to the stadium once classes are over."
"okay, thank you!" i said and headed out the door towards the stairs.
this school is a lot bigger than my old one, that's for sure.
"316...316.." i said to myself as i wandered the halls trying to find my first period.
"hey, are you lost?" i heard from behind me.
i turned around and saw a blonde haired girl with bright blue eyes.
she was smiling, and she had on a cross country t-shirt, so she must've been on the team as well
after studying her face and making sure she wasn't lowkey making fun of me, i nodded.
"i'm assuming you're the new girl," she said and laughed a little. "i'm peyton, i'm in your first period and i also heard you'll be on the cross country team with us!"
"yep," i said, and we both walked into the classroom, where my teacher was in the front of the room giving a math lesson.
"oh, madeline! good to see you ran into someone on the way up. this school can be confusing when you first get here." she smiled. "i'm mrs. anderson. you can take a seat wherever." she said, and peyton motioned from where she just sat down for me.
looks like i already made a new friend, this couldn't be hard at all.

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