8 // rep room

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"hey, imma grab a piece of pizza. you girls want any?" asked alaynas mom as we walked into rep room.
"sure!" alayna said and i agreed. i was hungry.
alaynas mom came back and gave us each a plate with a slice of cheese pizza on it.
then, taylor came into the room.
our little group of 3 ate their pizza while taylor made her rounds in the room. it looked like we were the last group of people to meet her.
once taylor was one group away, alaynas mom got up.
"i'm getting a call. i'll be right back, but it's super important that i answer."
"huh.. what do you think that was about?" alayna asked.
i shrugged my shoulders. "i don't know. it's probably about me. i'll probably get moved again tomorrow and .."
i stopped because i felt someone's hand on my shoulder.
it was taylor.
"hey alayna & hey madeline! i'm so glad that my mom was able to find you guys." she started. "so, did you guys have a good night?"
"best night i've had in so long." i said with a smile and alayna nodded in agreement.
i was pretty calm on the outside, but really, i was freaking out.
"i'm so glad," taylor said and talked to us a bit about life and things we have in common. then, she said "let's take a picture all together and then we can take a picture separately!"
we took just the basic picture with the hand hearts.
then she grabbed alayna and took a separate picture.
"okay mads, your turn!" she said.
i walked over to taylor and she put her arm around my shoulders.
she then put her face super close to mine, bumping my fresh stitches.
"ouch," i said quietly, and taylor jumped a little.
when the camera man snapped the picture, taylor immediately pulled her head away and gently put her fingers underneath my chin to get a better look at my head.
"how did this happen?" she asked, and i just stood there wide eyed.
what was i supposed to say?
"i..i.. ran into a uh.. a door."
"you're totally lying." she said, and let out a little laugh. "okay but.. seriously."
"um," i started, but i quickly got cut off.
"you know what, i check your tumblr literally every night. just dm me. i still got another show in columbus tonight, so i'll be here a little longer." she said. then she smiled.
i have her a hug, and we both said our goodbyes.
"maddie!" taylor yelled. "don't forget."
"i won't." i said. and then i walked out with alayna where we found her mom still on the phone.
tonight was amazing.

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