28 // surgery

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"so, it's a pretty severe break. her tibia is displaced, so we're gonna have to do surgery tonight to get it back to where it's supposed to go, and we'll also have to put in some rods and screws."
i have to get surgery... why. i don't understand why this happened.
it makes no sense.
"uhm.. how long am i gonna be out? of sports i mean.." i finally choked out.
this entire er trip, i haven't said a single word, so the doctor looked almost shocked when i spoke up.
"after physical therapy and everything... probably around 6 months."
oh my god.
there goes basketball season too i guess.
"oh." was all i said back, and taylor grabbed my hand.
i could tell she felt bad, but it wasn't her fault this happened.
i hate when people feel bad for me.
"so, before we take you to surgery, i have to ask, what color cast do you want when you wake up?"
i shrugged my shoulders.
i didn't want a cast.
i wanted to run.
taylor looked over at joe and sighed after i didn't say anything.
"her favorite color is purple, i'm sure that'll be fine with her." she said with a smile, and the doctor looked at me for approval.
i just nodded my head, and he finally left our room.
"i'm sorry this happened to you, baby." taylor said after a few minutes, but i didn't say anything back.
if i would've said something back, i would've cried, and i didn't want to cry.
not in front of joe.


taylor's pov

"i'm so sorry you were stuck here longer than you thought," i said to joe as we carried some groceries from the car to my apartment buildings elevator.
"it's okay, i'm happy i could help." he replied, and i smiled. then he spoke again. "plus, i love spending time with you. do you think maddies gonna eat today? or talk?" he asked.
i sighed at the thought.
ever since we got home from the hospital yesterday morning, she hasn't said a single word. she also hasn't eaten anything more than an applesauce and a banana the last two days.
i'm really worried about her, but i really just didn't know what to do.
"i hope so, but probably not..." i said after i thought about it.
joe frowned, and then opened my apartment door.
"hey mads, we're back." i said from the kitchen, i hoping she'd say something, but she didn't.
as i unpacked the groceries, joe went over to the couch to say goodbye to maddie.
she's been sleeping there since we got home, and i'm sure she'll probably sleep there until she gets the long cast off in three weeks.
i looked over at joe as he sat down on the couch next to her. she was laying down on her stomach, looking at him, and he was rubbing her back as he talked to her.
"listen, i know this stinks, but everything will be okay, i promise." i heard him say as i started to walk over to the living room myself.
"here's my number, text me if you need me or wanna talk to someone else and not taylor all the time.." he then said with a laugh, putting his number in her phone.
then, when joe started to get up, maddie rolled over and put her arms out for a hug.
after joe let go of her, he turned towards me and gave me a hug and a kiss goodbye.
"i love you, taylor. i'll see you in about a month, yea?"
"of course," i replied, "now get downstairs before the cab leaves you here and you miss your flight home," i laughed, and he kissed me again.
"love you, taylor, bye mads!" he said, and then he left me alone in my apartment with maddie and my cats.

as much as i hate to say it, i really hope that with joe gone, maddie will talk to me.

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