26 // forever home

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the next morning, i jumped awake after meredith jumped right on top of my stomach, stepping on my rib cage.
i sat up quick, realizing that i was still on the couch, right on top of taylor, and joe was sleeping on the loveseat in the corner of the living room.
i looked at my watch to check the time since it was still dark outside.
5:13 am.
i didn't have to be up for another three hours.
why can't i ever sleep through the night anymore?
"hey, what's wrong?" taylor suddenly said, propping herself up on her elbows.
"oh what? nothing, mere just jumped on me and it woke me up, i'm sorry." i replied, and taylor laid back down.
"you gonna lay back down or?" she asked, a little confused because i was still sitting up.
"oh yeah," i replied, laying back down on top of taylor's chest.
she wrapped one of her arms loosely around me and played with my hair with the other free hand.
i could feel myself getting tired again, and my eyes started to close.
"i know you aren't asleep.. and i would bring this up a different day ..but my brain just won't shut up about it," taylor said after about 15 minutes.
"hm" i hummed back, signaling for her to go on.
"what would you do if i... if i asked about adopting you?" taylor asked quietly. "my mom and i have been talking about it for a couple months now and... it just seems right... i don't know.."
"wait, what?" i asked, now wide awake.
"i guess what i'm saying is... is it okay for me to adopt you? if you don't want that, then that's oka-" she started to ramble, but i cut her off.
"of course that's okay with me."
taylor's arms tightened around me. "really?" she asked.
"well.. yeah.." i started to say, and then i took a shaky breath in.
i was about to cry.
"this is cheesy but... i've wanted a forever home for so long, taylor," i said, my voice cracking at the end. then the tears started coming, but i didn't care.
taylor leaned forward and kissed the top of my head.
after a few moments of silence, i looked up and noticed that taylor was crying too.
she looked down at me and smiled, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
"i love you, maddie."


around 8:30, i woke up again on the couch, this time all alone in the living room.
i could hear someone in the kitchen and i also heard the shower water upstairs.
"hey maddie," i heard from the kitchen after i started to fold the blanket and put it back on the couch.
"i made breakfast, taylor told me you only eat egg whites so i hope i made them ok," he said and handed me a plate.
i smiled and took it.
"they look great, thank you." i said.
then i walked over to the fruit bowl and grabbed a banana to eat with my eggs.
after that whole fainting thing, i made sure to eat before races.
i sat down at the breakfast bar and talked to joe and then, after a few minutes, i heard taylor head down the staircase.
"hey honey." she said as she hugged me from behind.
joe looked up at her and smiled, and she then let me go, walking around to stand next to him.
"thanks for making her breakfast." she said, and then gave him a quick kiss.
"i'm gonna go change, i'll be back," i said, then i stood up, threw away my banana peel, and put my empty plate in the sink.
i ran upstairs, again, ignoring the pain in my left leg, and went to my room.
i then washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put on my cross country uniform.
today was the district meet, which would qualify me for regionals. 
it's a big meet today, and i need to do well, or my shot at winning states is gone.
i packed up my bag and threw in a thing of bio freeze too... maybe that would make my leg not hurt.
didn't hurt to try i guess.
after i was all ready, i walked back down the stairs.
"ready?" taylor asked from the living room couch, and i nodded my head.

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