5 // john.

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"callie? maddie? i'm home!" i heard from downstairs.
it's was about 5 o clock, and i had just gotten home from cross country practice when i heard the garage door open and shut.
it's john.
"hey kiddo," john said as i walked down the staircase.
i smiled. "..hi." i said quietly.
he was being nice now, but it'll probably change quickly.
"i'm ordering pizza," callie said after we talked to him for a few minutes. "cool with you too?"
we both nodded our heads.
pizza sounded great to me. i'm starving.
not even four hours later, john was no longer nice.
"you're such a worthless piece of shit, callie, i don't even know why i married you." he said.
callie just nodded her head.
just as she was telling me to head upstairs, he got up from his chair.
"and where the hell do you think you're going?" he shouted as i made a beeline for the staircase.
then, before callie could even try to stop it, he threw a glass beer bottle straight at me, causing it to smash at the top corner of my forehead.
i put my fingers to where i was hit, and when i looked at them, they were covered in blood.
"oh shit. i-" john began to say, immediately realizing what he had just done, but callie interrupted him.
"go upstairs." she said, and he did.
callie looked at the gash on my head and sighed.
"oh my god... we're gonna have to get stitches." she said after a few minutes.
they're gonna take me away. they're gonna have to.
i stayed quiet while callie grabbed us each a pair of shoes.
then, we made the 20 minute drive downtown to the er at children's hospital while i held a paper towel to my forehead.
they're gonna ask me what happened, and then children's services is gonna take me away, i kept thinking.
oh no.

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