4 // alayna

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it was 6:15 in the morning, and my obnoxious alarm woke me up.
i was about to shut it off and go back to sleep, but then i remembered- it's monday and i have school.
i sighed and rolled out of bed, then headed downstairs to eat a bowl of cereal. after that, i went back up to my room and put on some nike shorts and an old race t-shirt. then i grabbed my back pack and ran downstairs and out the front door.
callie wasn't awake yet, so i sent her a quick text saying i made it to the bus and i was on my way to school.
"maddie, you're not gonna believe this." said my best friend, alayna, as i sat down next to her in my first period class.
i rolled my eyes and laughed. "what wont i believe?"
"my mom got floor seats for the reputation concert this friday... and she said i can bring a friend."
"WHAT NO WAY !!" i started. then i paused. "wait, me right?"
"um duh, of course i'm bringing you."
"alayna i'm about to start crying." i said.
she laughed. "so the plan is, we would pick you up, go to dinner and then the show, and then you'd just stay the night at my house. that ok with you? i mean obviously you'll have to ask your foster mom," she started to say, but i quickly cut her off.
"oh trust me. she won't care." i said quickly.
i get to see taylor swift. LIVE.
the last time i saw her live was during her speak now tour when i was 8.
as soon as i got home, i asked callie if i could go, and just like i knew she would, she said yes. after that, i posted a quick post to my twitter and tumblr accounts.
looks like i'm seeing @ taylorswift on Friday !! i couldn't be more excited !! :)) i typed and then clicked post.
then, again, i got a notification just as fast as i had posted it.
taylor swift liked your post.
"what, oh my.." i said to myself from the living room couch.
i then went over to the post and sure enough, the taylor swift had liked it.
taylor knows i'm seeing her.

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