17 // love you

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a week came and went, and taylor had finally made a post about who i was to stop any rumors before they started.
some people were nice, but i had to turn off my phone notifications because of all of the followers and likes and comments i was getting on social media.
some comments were nice, but some not so much.
taylor told me to ignore the mean ones, but i couldn't help but read some of them on my posts.
"ew shes ugly"
"wow, taylor took on a charity case"
"fat ass"
"she runs? doesn't look like it."
"kill yourself"
"lose some weight lol"
"you don't deserve taylor"
"i thought runners were skinny."
after reading the last one, i took a look at my half eaten bowl of cereal and pushed it away from in front of me.
suddenly, i wasn't really hungry anymore.
"watcha thinkin about?" said taylor as she started playing with my hair from behind me.
i shrugged my shoulders and turned to face her, and then leaned into her.
she let go of my hair and put her arms around me and let out a breath.
"are you not hungry?" she asked after i let go, and i shrugged my shoulders again.
"not really, i thought i was, but i'm not." i started, "but i packed some snacks for my cross country meet, i'm sure i'll be hungry in about an hour," i lied.
taylor studied my face for a minute, almost as if she didn't believe me, and then grabbed the bowl and put it into the sink.
"well, let's go upstairs and braid your hair, and then i'll drop you off at the school so you can get on the bus."
i got up from my chair and followed taylor up the stairs into her room, and sat down on her bed in front of her.
"two braids?" she asked, and i nodded.
she took the hairbrush and split my hair into two even parts and then started to tightly braid my hair.
after she finished, she pulled me into her and placed her head on top of mine.
"will you be there to watch me race today?" i asked her quietly.
"wouldn't miss it for the world." she replied, and i smiled.
today was gonna be a good one, i could feel it.


"i don't even know how cross country meets work... like.. where do i watch?" read a text from taylor.
i laughed.
"i'm going to come find you." i sent back.
"peyton, come on, we gotta go find taylor. she has no idea how cross country meets work."
she looked up at me with huge eyes.
"uh maddie. i cannot meet the taylor swift looking like this."
"oh my goshhhh, i look like trash every morning. trust me, she's normal. we're all wearing the same thing."
peyton shrugged her shoulders and got up. then she started to follow me.
after about ten minutes, i saw her.
"hey! over here!" i yelled, trying not to draw too much attention to her. she had on a hat and some sunglasses as an attempt to stay hidden.
she quickly ran over to us.
"this is peyton." i said and taylor put her hand out to shake.
"maddie talks about you all the time!" she said and i rolled my eyes.
"anyways. so, all you gotta do is stand along the course. this is the start and the finish," i said as we walked along the course, "and then parents just run along the flags to see their kids."
"oooo exciting," taylor said, eyes wide. "who knew cross country could actually be fun!" she then said, making peyton and i laugh.
"okay, we should probably head back and warm up," peyton said, and i nodded.
"we start in about 45 minutes, so we're gonna go warm up."
just as i was about to walk away, taylor put her arms out for a hug, so i walked into them.
"good luck, love you." she said, and i smiled into her shirt.
"bye!" i shouted as i ran off.
she just said she loved me. wow.

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