19 // breakfast

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taylor's POV

it's now 3 in the morning, and i couldn't sleep.
two and half months.
it's been two and a half months since i first took maddie in.
i shook my head in disbelief as i looked at the pictures of us and her in my phone.
honestly, i didn't know how taking a kid in would go. she hasn't met joe or any of my friends yet, i figured she wasn't ready for that, but my parents love her as their own already. i wonder what she's say if i asked her to let me adopt her.
i figure that it still may be too early for that as well, but it's definitely something i'll have to talk to my parents about.
i started to look at her race day pictures and videos.
she's so good at what she does. there's only one meet that she's "lost" this season, at least that what she says, but losing to me isn't a third place finish. i think that third place is great.
she has her first home meet of the season tomorrow, well technically today, and then conference championships, and then both the district and regional meets will be held at her school as well.
she's super excited, and i am too. especially because joe is supposed to fly in for one of her meets in the next two weeks.
i switched my app on over to instagram and went over to maddies page.
man, i really am a stalker tonight.
it wasn't until i looked at her page filled with photos of her and her friends running in races that i noticed how small she is for her age.
she is so tiny.
actually, she's gotten so much smaller since i first took her in.
i pulled up a picture of her running at the beginning of the season and one from last week.
she looks nearly 10 pounds smaller than she was about a month ago.
maybe it's just because of the running she's doing? she eats around me, so there's no way she isn't eating.
i'll just keep an eye on her.
after liking a few tumblr posts, i decided to finally go to sleep for the two hours i had left of the night.


maddies POV

"heys mads!" i heard from the doorway of my bedroom.
it was around 9 am, and i had just woken up since i didn't have to be at the school until around 1.
"so," taylor said as she sat down on the the end of my bed. she placed her hand on my ankle over the blanket i had covering me and started talking again. "i was thinking that we could go get some breakfast or something before we head on over to school."
my heart dropped.
i couldn't just say no.
taylor squeezed my ankle after a few seconds.
"is that okay?" she said, and stared at me, waiting for an answer.
finally, i just nodded my head.
breakfast wouldn't hurt.
"can we go to that new açaí bowl place downtown? peyton went there yesterday with her mom and they said it was really good."
taylor smiled and nodded her head.
"put on your uniform under your sweatshirt and pants.. just incase we run a little late, i figured we could run some errands too while we're out."
i nodded my head and did as i was told.
then i packed my cross country bag for the meet later.
"spikes, trainers, water, and inhaler." i said to myself out loud. "perfect."
i crouched down to and grabbed my bag and stood up, and immediately felt a little dizzy.
this has been happening a lot, probably because i need to eat.
after i put on my crocs, i ran downstairs and met taylor at the door.
"got everything?" she asked and i nodded.
"i hope so."

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