11 // google

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maddie's pov

"wait so when?" i asked alaynas mom.
she woke me up this morning and told me to get my things together because a social worker was on her way to get me, but i didn't know when.
"right now." she replied.
never mind. now i know.
alayna woke up a few minutes after her mom left the room and started to help me pack up my things.
then i remembered taylor's conversation with me last night.
that did happen right? i thought.
i could've been dreaming.
who knows.
"hey alayna, pass me my phone."
she got up from her spot on the floor next to me and grabbed her phone from the nightstand, then tossed it to me.
i opened it and saw a couple of unread texts from taylor.
hey, text me when you're up.
also, let me know what's goin on today. they read.
i think she's talking about my living situation.
i shot her a quick text back that said i was moving homes today, and that i'd text her later. then, alayna and i grabbed my bag of clothes and trotted down the stairs where i met my social worker at the front door.
"hopefully i'll see you monday."
alayna nodded her head. "i better see you monday." she said back. "text me later."
"you got it."
then, i walked with my social worker to the car.
i wonder what this next house is gonna be like.
i hope they're nice.
maybe they'll actually want to keep me.
taylor's pov

i'm moving houses today, i'll talk to you later. i just hope they're nice.
that was the text i received from maddie five minutes ago, and i couldn't get it out of my head.
after a few more minutes of sitting alone in my thoughts, i typed "how can i foster a child" into google.
i didn't know anything about this kind of stuff or if i could even do it, but googling it doesn't hurt.
when the search results came up, i took a long deep breath.
i'd have to complete training, fill out paperwork & get my license, and complete a home study.
tour ends in two weeks.. i could do this if i really wanted to.
i got out of bed and threw on a decent outfit for sound check and then sat back down on my hotel took bed and called my mom.
as soon as i heard my mom pick up, i started talking.
"i wanna foster a kid."

madeline // a Taylor Swift adoption Where stories live. Discover now