7 // keep dancing

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"oh my gosh maddie, these look so cool!!" alayna squealed as she walked into her room.
while alayna was at school all day, i decided to make our posters for the concert tonight.
there was lots of glitter, but my favorite part about them is definitely the lights.
"thanks, i worked so hard on them." i said jokingly.
not even five minutes later, alaynas mom yelled you the stairs and told us to get ready. once we were all dressed and made it downstairs, alaynas mom took a quick picture of us at the bottom of the staircase.
"okay, perfect. let's go." she said, and we were off.
woah, this place is huge, i thought to myself as we pulled up to the stadium.
after we got through security and everything, alaynas mom stopped us really quick.
"okay, i drank way too much iced tea at dinner, so i'm gonna use the restroom. do you guys need to go?"
we both shook our heads. we just wanted to get to our seats so we could see that stage.
"okay, you guys can just go wherever then. don't get lost." she said leaving us both alone.
when alayna and i made it to the floor, we each screamed.
"the stage is HUGE oh my gosh." alayna said.
i looked around for a second and gasped. "and she's gonna walk through RIGHT THERE!" i said and then we both jumped up and down.
tonight is going to be amazing. i just know it.
finally, after what felt like forever, the montage of taylor swift over the years went on the screen with the word "reputation" on repeat.
me being me, i was unable to handle my excitement and i began to cry.
"baby let the games begin!" i heard, and then taylor's shadow appeared on the stage.
"OH MY GOD." yelled alayna as she looked at me.
once ready for it and i did something bad both played, taylor began introducing the song gorgeous.
alayna and i began to recite taylor's whole pre song speech when i felt a light tap on my shoulder.
i turned around, and so did alayna to see taylor's mom standing there.
"it's maddie right? and alayna?"
my eyes went wide.
there is no way this is happening right now.
"mhm." i said quickly.
"taylor really wants to meet you guys after the show! she told me to come find you. is that cool with you two?" she said loudly.
i started crying again and so did alayna, basically signaling that yes, it was definitely cool with us both.
andrea put the rep room wristband on each of our wrists along with alaynas mom.
"ill see you girls after the show! keep dancing!" she said, and she was gone.
needless to say, we sang our hearts out the rest of the night.
we were meeting taylor.
the one that literally got me through everything after my mom died.
oh my god.

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