23 // talk

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maddies pov

when i opened my eyes, i was in an unfamiliar bedroom, one that wasn't my own, and it took me a minute to realize that i was in taylor's room.
i was still in the same spot i was in last night during the movie, and taylor was too, with her arm resting over my body.
i don't even remember falling asleep last night.
i looked at the time on the cable box right across from me and realized that it wasn't the morning, it was actually the middle of the night. 3:56 to be exact.
i internally groaned knowing that i probably wouldn't be able to fall back asleep now.
i picked my phone up from where it was sitting right in front of me, careful not to move so i wouldn't wake up taylor, and opened it up.
alayna had sent me a few tik toks throughout the night while i slept, so i turned down my phone and watched them.
i really miss her.
after i watched the videos, taylor rubbed my shoulder.
"mads, go back to sleep babe." she said and then yawned.
i sighed.
"what's wrong?" she then asked, turning her head to look at the clock, groaning when she saw it read 4:17 am.
"nothing, taylor." i replied.
"you sure?" she asked, and i thought about bringing up everything that was stressing me out.
all of the hate comments that she told me not to read.
cross country states coming up.
missing my mom & my best friend back home.
but, i decided to keep it to myself. i didn't want to be annoying.. after all, it was 4am.
"yes, sorry i woke you up." i said, and taylor started rubbing my back, attempting to help me fall asleep.
then out of nowhere, she spoke up.
"you know you can talk to me right?" she asked quietly, and i nodded my head.
"about anything." she added.
"yeah," i whispered back. "why?"
"i don't know, i just feel like you don't know that you can be open with me... i.. i don't know. i just worry about you, that's all."
why is she worried? does she know?
"oh," i replied back. i didn't know what else to say.
"just know that i know there is something wrong. i don't know what it is, but i just wish you'd talk to me about it because i care about you, okay?"
i nodded, basically letting her know that i no longer wanted to continue this conversation.
"i love you, maddie." she then said, and then i fell back asleep.


when i woke up the next morning, taylor wasn't in bed anymore.
i got up from the huge pile of blankets and went straight to my bedroom to brush my teeth.
once i was done, i went downstairs to find taylor out on the balcony talking on the phone.
she looked like she was talking about something serious, so i grabbed a bottle of water and went back upstairs to my room.
after about twenty minutes, taylor walked in.
"hey," taylor said as she sat down on the edge of my bed. "wanna do something today?"
"sure, like what?" i asked.
taylor thought about it for a minute, and then her eyes grew big.
"there's an indoor water park like an hour away, wanna go there?" she said, sounding almost as excited as a little kid, and i laughed.
"i don't have a swimsuit, so i can just wear spandex and a sports bra or we can go get me one.." i replied.
taylor told me that we'd get one there, because she was sure they had a shop there, and she was right.
we picked one out and i tried it on.
"cute." taylor said, and i went back into the fitting room to change.


taylor's pov

when maddie walked out in her swimsuit we'd picked out, i nearly gasped when i saw how much weight she's lost.
i'm going to have to bring this up later tonight, and it's not going to be a fun conversation.
she's going to hate me.
"okay, i'm ready!" maddie said as she skipped on over to the register with me to pay for the suit.
she was so excited for today, i can tell that she hasn't done something like going to a water park in a long time.
we had a blast riding slides together all day. she beat me on the racer slides so many times i lost count, but it made me happy to see her smile and laugh all day.
it was quite a contrast compared to last night.
"have fun?" i asked as we both sat in the car on the way home.
"yes, so so so much fun. thank you, taylor." she said, looking at me with a huge smile.
once we got home, maddie went straight upstairs to shower, and i did too.
once i was done, i walked over to her bedroom door, taking a huge breath in before i softly knocked.
"hey mads, we need to talk."

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