16 // practice

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"so, do you like school so far? i know it's only your first day, but just wondering." peyton asked as we walked outside to the fieldhouse.
"i really like it here! i was nervous at first.. obviously.. but i think i like it. how is the team? are they nice?" i said as i opened up the locker room door.
"yeah, the cross country team is. track is a little more clicky, do you do any other sports?"
i sat down and put my backpack on the bench.
"basketball." i said and smiled.
"cool." peyton said.
after all the other girls started coming in and changing, the coach knocked on the door asking if everyone was dressed. once everyone said yes, she came in.
"ummm okay! so today is just an easy day since we had a meet yesterday, so do a recovery run and get your miles in. also, we do have a new girl... maddie? where are ya?" she asked and i quietly raised my hand.
she looked at me and smiled.
"okay, everyone is dismissed, go warm up and run!" she said. "and maddie, come see me in a minute please."
once everyone started filing out of the locker room, i got up and talked to my new coach.
"hi, i'm coach cassidy. so, i need your times so i can put you in a running group... i would look them up but i left my phone at home on accident." she said a laughed.
i pulled out my phone and pulled up athletic.net to show her my times from races and handed her my phone.
"oh my god, you're speedy girly." coach cassidy said, almost surprised. "looks like you'll be running with the varsity girls tomorrow. i would say today, but they're already gone." i laughed and she handed me back my phone.
"oh, also, do you have an updated physical? the athletic trainer needs it before you start practicing."
"umm i don't know.. i can have it sent over, maybe? i can call taylor and ask her to email it."
cassidy nodded.
"that should work, here, i'll take you to the training room so we can get her email..." she started. "she really nice, promise." she then said.
did i really look that nervous?
"hey cassidy! what's up?" i heard as soon as coach opened up the door right across the hall from the locker room.
"oh, uh, this is maddie, our new girl." she said, and i put my hand up and waved.
"hi." i said.
"she needs your email so her parents can send her physical... um, maddie, i'll be outside watching the team if ya need me." coach cassidy said, and then she left.
"hi maddie, i'm sarah, the athletic trainer," she said, and then she opened up a drawer next to her desk.
"so, are ya fast?" she said as she took out a piece of paper and a pen.
i shrugged my shoulders.
"i don't know, coach said i'll be running varsity starting tomorrow, so i guess."
sarah laughed. "okay, so you're definitely fast then. anyways, here is my info, you can have your mom email it to me now if you want, and then you can pract-" she started, but i interrupted her.
"sorry to interrupt, but uh, i don't really live with my parents. i live with my foster mom, taylor. i think she has a copy though." i said with a smile, and taylor replied to the text i sent her with the email info and said that she just sent it over.
"she said she sent it, so you can check your email really quick."
sarah turned her chair towards me and grabbed her laptop, placing it onto the table that i was sitting on.
then, her mouth dropped.
"uhm, taylor... as in taylor swift?" she whispered, and i just fiddled with my fingers.
"huh. okay, you can head on out to practice." she said, and i stood up.
"nice meeting you, sarah." i said and headed outside.


"how was school?" taylor asked as i opened up the car door.
"really good! i already have a new friend, and the cross country coach is really nice." i said, buckling my seatbelt.
"aw, yay. i'm so glad. did the athletic trainer get the email?" she asked, starting to drive, and i replied with an exaggerated nod.
"oh yeah she did... and she was shook when she read who the email was from." i then said.
taylor sighed and then laughed. "looks like i'm gonna have to post about you soon and let people know who you are before word gets out.." taylor said and patted my thigh.
"we should wait a week, ya know? that way i can make some more real friends before people only like me because you're my super cool foster mom." i said, smiling at the last part, and taylor nodded her head in agreement.
"okay, a week it is."

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