14 // pancakes

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"mads, wake up, we've landed." i heard after being shaken awake.
i took my head off of the airplane window, a bit confused at first, but then remembered what was going on.
i was with taylor, and we just flew into nashville from columbus.
"i'm hungry." i said without thinking.
i hate asking for things, especially with people i barely know, but i'm starving. i haven't eaten for over 24 hours, and i needed something quick before i got hangry.
"we can go get breakfast after i call your social worker and we put your things in the apartment if you want! you like pancakes?" taylor asked.
i looked at my watch, reading 7:40 am, then i nodded.
breakfast sounded perfect.
"sweet. we can walk to the pancake pantry then if you want, it's only like a 15 minute walk from the apartment." taylor said with a smile.
about an hour and a half later, taylor and i made our way to the pancake pantry.
i ordered chocolate chip pancakes with bacon, and taylor got the same thing as me.
"so, i know you run." taylor said, starting conversation as we waited for our food.
my eyes widened. "oh my god shoot. i need to text coach. i was supposed to race today." i said, panicked. my coach hates when kids don't show up without telling him.
"it's okay, i took care of it." taylor said quickly, and i calmed down a little. "now, i gotta get you put into a school here after my last show this weekend. i just need to know if i need to get you into the cross country team wherever you go.." she said and i quickly nodded my head as i gulped down my sip of water.
"yes please, if you can." i said, and taylor laughed.
"i thought so. we can also stop by the grocery store later to get some food that you like, if you want to.." she started, but the waitress walked over with our food interrupting her.
"i'd like that a lot." i replied, and taylor smiled.
then, we both started eating our food.
as taylor and i walked back to her place, i started thinking about everything i've been through over the years after my mom passed away.
maybe things will actually work out with taylor. she would never hurt me and she seems like she cares about me, but i'm not sure yet.
i don't fully trust her, but that could change.
shes super busy, but maybe, just maybe, i'll finally get a forever home.
i guess we'll just have to see.

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