9 // tumblr messages

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"wait so she said what?" alayna asked.
we were currently up in her room talking about taylor's conversation with me.
"she told me to dm her because i wouldn't tell her that my old foster dad threw a bottle at me" i laughed. "it was kinda embarrassing.. i just couldn't say it." i said.
then, my phone went off from alaynas nightstand.
she grabbed it and handed it to me.
"looks like taylor got to you first." she said.
it's been two hours. did you forget to message me? it said.
i typed a short reply. go to bed, you have a show tomorrow.
less than a second later, i got a no sent back.
then she sent: i know you're in foster care. is that what happened? are you safe?
"what's she saying?" alayna said.
"nothing yet." i said, then i started typing back.
i am for now. i got a beer bottle thrown at me last night and it broke on my head. i'm staying with alayna and i'm getting moved to another foster home tomorrow, i said back.
moved where taylor asked.
man this girl is FULL of questions.
i wish i knew. i said back, then i turned my phone off.
"is she done talking to you?" alayna asked.
i quickly changed the subject and grabbed my phone. "you know what, imma grab a quick shower," i said and got up from the bed.
really, all i wanted to do was go sit in the shower and cry, and that's exactly what i did.
the truth is, going to a new foster home seemed so scary. i never really let it get to me.
you know, the whole dead parents thing and being in foster care, but i miss my mom.. and even though i don't remember him, i miss my dad too.
after i got out of the shower, i turned my phone back on, and saw a few more notifications.
-mads, you there?
-call me when you get a chance if it's not too late at night
-here's my number.. 6467890643 (A/K not a real number lmak i typed random numbers)
looks like i was gonna give taylor a call.

madeline // a Taylor Swift adoption Where stories live. Discover now