3 // taylor swift

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"wanna watch a movie?" callie asked as she placed her car keys on the kitchen counter.
i thought about it for a second, then shook my head. "no, i'm really tired or id be 100% down.. i'm sorry."
"don't be sorry, maddie. you had a tough race today. we can watch something another time," she smiled.
i took off my tennis shoes and placed them on the floor by the garage door next to my cross country bag.
"good night callie," i shouted as i walked up the staircase.
after i took a quick shower, i walked across the hall over to my bedroom and laid down in bed.
i logged onto both tumblr and twitter and checked my feed.
not to sound like a total dork, but i am a HUGE fan of taylor swift. i'd do absolutely anything if i could be given the chance to meet her, but as a foster kid, it's nearly impossible to get tickets to go to one of her concerts.
she's coming to my city, columbus, super soon for her reputation tour. and by super soon, i mean in two and a half weeks.. not like i'm counting down or anything. a lot of my friends are going, but again, i just don't have the money.
as i scrolled through my feed full of excited fans talking about tonight's show and who got rep room tonight, i got a notification on my tumblr.
taylor swift liked your post.
i smiled... taylor hardly ever likes my tumblr posts. i posted something a little earlier about my race today, and she liked it.
cool, i thought to myself.
i then turned off my phone and went to sleep.

madeline // a Taylor Swift adoption Where stories live. Discover now