10 // questions

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taylor's pov

"you want to know my favorite food? why?" maddie laughed on the other end of the phone.
currently, it's 3:30 in the morning, and maddie and i have been on the phone for almost 2 hours.
"i'm just trying to get to know you, duh. that's why i keep asking you so many questions. i don't know everything about you from your twitter or tumblr accounts." i said back. "now come on! favorite food!"
maddy let out an exaggerated sigh. "hmm i don't know. i love peanut butter banana toast on race days," she started to say. "and i loveeee fruit. fast food wise, i love chick fil a. their chicken nuggets are top notch."
i laughed.
chick fil a is pretty good.
"so i know you're a runner just by looking at your posts, like your most recent tumblr posts that i've liked. so do you also run track? do you okay any other sports?"
"yep, cross country, track, and then in the winter i play basketball instead of indoor track. i tried swimming, but i just didn't really like it."
i could tell by the tone of her voice that sports were pretty much the only thing that kept her sane during everything she's gone through.
i gotta keep that in mind.
"okay okay. i'm done asking questions." i finally said. "how about you come to the stadium tomorrow morning? i can call alaynas mom or of you're with your new placement i'll call them and i'll get everything taken care of, then i can come get you and we can party before my show! you can stay if you want, but it's entirely up to you."
"oh my god.." maddie whisper screamed. "i'd love that. that would be so much fun." she said.
"it's a plan then. now you need to go to bed. i'll text you tomorrow morning." i said.
then we both said bye and hung up.
i put my phone on the hotel room night stand and laid down in the huge bed alone with my thoughts.
could i really take a kid in?
am i ready for something like this?
what would the fans think?
or my family? joe?
so many unanswered questions.
i've only known her for a little bit, but man.
she just seems different, and i know every one says that when they adopt or foster a kid.
but seriously.
i could talk to her for hours. even when she was in rep room earlier, i wish i could've just taken her back here with me for the night.
i don't know.
i don't even know if it's possible for me to take her home.
but i do know that i'm excited to see her again tomorrow.

madeline // a Taylor Swift adoption Where stories live. Discover now