13 // home

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right after i finished my meet and greet, i tried calling maddie again, but there was no answer.
"mom," i shouted across my dressing room. "i'm worried."
she looked up from her book at me, a little confused, so i continued to talk.
"i was on facetime with maddie earlier, and .. i heard her foster dad hit her... he was also so mean." i said, with my voice cracking towards the end.
"have you heard from her?" my mom asked, a little concerned.
"i.. no. she hung up and she hasn't answered my texts for hours. what if something happened to her?"
my mom sighed.
"taylor, we have to call the police."
i leaned over and put my head in my hands.
what if she gets mad at me?
then i put my head back up and nodded.
"okay." i said.
madelines pov

as soon as i hung up on taylor, i turned off my phone.
i knew she'd be texting me nonstop, and honestly i didn't want to deal with it, at least not right now.
i just wanted to act like what just happened... didn't. you see, whenever something bad happens to me, i just shove it down and act like it never happened. i know it's bad, but it just seems so much easier that way.
trust me, there's so many things that my friends and especially taylor, do not know about me, and i want to keep it that way.
if they knew, they wouldn't like me or they'd think differently about me.. and i didn't want that to happen.
so, again, it's easier to shove it all down.
after a few minutes, i grabbed a t-shirt and some shorts and walked over to the bathroom connected to my bedroom to take a hot shower. i stood underneath the hot water for about ten minutes, then decided to get out.
i didn't want to get in trouble for taking too long.
after i got out and got dressed, i decided to finally turn my phone back on, and just like i thought, taylor has blown me up.
i quickly sent a text saying i was fine and not to worry and put my phone down.
this wasn't the first time i've been hit by someone, and this wasn't even as bad as some of the other ones.
that slap was nothing.
out of nowhere, i woke up to a person shaking me in my bed.
"maddie, wake up." i heard.
i guess i fell asleep. oops.
i rolled over on my side and opened up my eyes. i then glanced at the clock on the nightstand expecting it to say something like 9:30 am, but instead it read 11:56 pm.
then i rolled back over to look at the person standing above me.
it wasn't my foster parents, it was my social worker, a couple cops, and taylor.
i rubbed my eyes again, making sure i was seeing things correctly.
"wha- what's going on?" i asked groggily. i was still so tired, but so was everyone else here i'm sure.
"get your stuff together mads, we're leaving." taylor said.
i looked over at my social worker and then back at taylor. "wait, am i going with you?" i asked looking at taylor, "or you?" i asked again, a bit confused.
"you're going with taylor."
my eyes widened again. "oh, okay" i said.
taylor helped me put everything into a bag, and just like that, we were on our way out.
when taylor and i got to the car, my social worker stopped us, and taylor told me to wait in the car, where i listened to everything.
"so taylor, just remember, this is an emergency placement. please please make sure you call as soon as you land in nashville so we can get your foster license rushed."
wait... foster license?
"will do, have a good night, lisa." taylor said. "and thank you so much for getting her out of there."
then, taylor came over and sat next to me.
she pulled me into her side and and i put my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes.
"let's go home." she said.

madeline // a Taylor Swift adoption Where stories live. Discover now