20 // black

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i threw my bag into the floor of the locker room and sat down on a bench.
the locker room was empty, except for the bags scattered around the floor.
taylor had sat down in the bleachers somewhere to watch the middle schoolers race while she waited for my race, and my team was also watching.
i got up from the bench and decided to go and get a roller from the training room.
my leg had been killing me lately, probably just a bad case of shin splints, so rolling out should help.
when i walked in, sarah was getting the first aid kit ready to head down to the finish line.
"oh, uh.. i just need a roller if that's okay," i started, and she nodded her head.
i just stood there for a second, and she finally understood that i hadn't gone go school long enough to know where it is.
"sorry, i forgot you're new," she laughed, "there's some in that bin over there. just put it back when you're done with it and shut the door when you leave since i'll be on the field." i nodded my head and grabbed a foam roller and placed it on the ground.
then, i started to roll out my calves and sarah left.
when i was done, i put it away and shut the door just like i was told, and went out to watch the races with my team.
i had to do good at this meet, mainly because it was a home meet which meant everyone from here would be here and i didn't know any of them.
i also needed good stats because states is only two months away.
well, a little over two months, but still.
i was pulled out of my thought when ambree, a junior on the girls varsity team yelled.
"varsity girls!! time for warm up!"


halfway through the race, i was in first place by almost 400 meters.
even though i was in first, i still felt awful.
breakfast this morning was the first thing i've eaten in literally three days, and now i felt like i was getting smacked in the face by god.
when i approached the last uphill part of the race, i started seeing spots and feeling dizzy.
no no, we're not about to pass out. not today. i thought to myself.
all i could hear were the screams around me, but i felt like i was about to pass out.
finally, i approached the finish line.
as i sprinted down the track for the final 100 meters, my vision started closing in, and as soon as i crossed,   i collapsed and i could hear my name being yelled before everything went black.

madeline // a Taylor Swift adoption Where stories live. Discover now