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Pov Levi

I drop my phone on the table.

'Calum, around twenty years old and probably a local. Search him up for me,' I demand Simon.
'It could help if you give me a last name for once.'
'You'll have to do without. I want everything, where he lives or lived. What he studied and when. Even if they have a family dog or something.. I want to know all.'
'You're never this interested in the lives off your enemies,' he questions.
'This one is different.. we can easily blackmail him.'

'Who are we looking up today?'
I turn around to see Grayson looking at our direction.
He walks over to the table to take a look at the picture.

'Oh this is easy um..'
'Calum.' 'Right, Calum Murray.'
'That's a last name.. see it isn't so hard Levi.'
'I will let you work over time if you keep on making these kind of comments,' I turn to the other boy, 'Do you know him?'
'We were in the same class,' he answers.
'So I need to worry about your skills?' 'No he dropped out.' 'Why?'
'He couldn't get on well with enough people so he just gave up.'

'What's he like?' I ask.
'He's quite lovely to be fair.. why are we searching him up?'
'He was sent after me. It's like they're underestimating me. They put a drop out spy on my case on his first day.. it's embarrassing really.'

'His dad probably helped him get a job,' he mumbles.
'What do you mean?'
'His dad is Scott Murray.'
'The big boss.. I see.'

'Okay got him.'
'Took you long enough,' I mutter as I walk to the computer screen.

'Calum Murray, 23 years old. Born in Scotland but his dad took him to America when he was ten years old. He's an only child and his mother actually left him after he was born.. so I guess he wasn't wanted...'
I cut him off, 'This is starting to sound a lot like my backstory.'
'Sounds like you have something in common with the enemy then. Anyway, he skipped a few years at high school but dropped out of three studies after..' 'Okay I was kidding when I said I wanted to know everything, skip to the good part.'

'Just tell me what you want to know.' 'Is he close with someone?'
'Nope.. his social media shows no signs of that.. so I guess he has been single for a while. It does show sights of a difficult break up a few years ago.. don't know what you could use that for.'

I roll my eyes, I begin to wonder if I should search for new people who could work for me.

'Can you send me his address?'
'On it.'

I wasn't done with this junior hero.

Pov Calum

'Why did you turn off your microphones! You know we can't hear you that way.' 'I didn't want to look suspicious, he kept talking to someone so I talked to someone as well. I didn't want to bore you with a conversation about the weather and just forgot to turn them on again. Then again.. it would look suspicious if I talk to the air out of nowhere, the streets were empty.'
'It's fine Calum, we got a place. Felix don't be mean to him, he did his job.'

'Why are we after him?' I ask.
'He has a virus in his hands.'
'That's all?' 'All?!' 'Felix!' Rose shouts, 'Don't expect him to know everything when you haven't told him that.'

With that my work day has ended.


A ring from the door stops me from going to bed.
Annoyed I walk towards the door.. who rings the door this late.

'Look can you come back tomorrow, I don't have ti..' 'Look up Calum.'
My eyes widen when I recognize his voice and I look up in an instance.
'I could come back tomorrow if you would really want that,' he smirks at his own joke, 'nice outfit.'
'Look.. it's after my working hours and I just want to sleep.'
'Well I wasn't working and yet you wasted my time so we're equal after this. Just step away from the door.'

He walked forward, ready to come into his house. I stopped him with a simple arm movement and blocked the way.

'It's only going to take you even longer this way.'

I exhale deeply but let the man walk into my house, probably the worst thing I could've done in this situation.

'See that wasn't so hard was it?'
'What do you want?' I ask tiredly.
'Awh.. are you tired, poor baby.'
'If they had told me you have an attitude like this I would have..'
I get distracted by his grin.
'You would have.. what? Dropped out of this as well? That would've ruined your chances to become the hero you desired to be,' he takes hold of my chin shifting my head up slightly, 'Besides.. that would've disappointed your dad wouldn't it?'

'You said my first name wasn't useful.'
'In combination with your picture it was.'

I groan out if annoyance.. how stupid could I be?

'You didn't answer my question.'
'I don't have to,' I state.
'It would save me time and you unnecessary torture.'
'You want to beat me up if I don't answer a question?'
'I would call it truth or dare extreme without the dare.'
I shake my head which is proven to be difficult with a hand attached to my chin, 'That's a horrible name.'

'Can you get to the point? I want to sleep and you're kind of getting in my way.' 'Are you rushing me? I can make sure you won't be able to sleep all night sweetheart.. and believe me.. I will be much slower than this.'
'Do you have to make everything sexual?' I ask with a sigh.

I gasp when he pins me against my own living room wall.

'It's not my fault you interpret it as something sexual.'

'Now then. I want you to take this phone.' 'Yea no.' 'And why is that?'
'Because there's one hundred percent a tracker, microphone or camera in it.' 'Calum.. it's a phone, every phone has a gps, microphone and camera.'
'I'm not taking it out of this house.'
'Did I ask you to? Now let me help you sleep.'

While I'm still thinking about his words he punches my jaw.
I feel like shit until I don't feel anything at all, he just took my consciousness away from me..

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