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My dreams get interrupted by the grating sound made by my doorbell.

I sigh, wrap myself up in the blanket laying on the chair and walk over to the door.

I'm sick and I don't care if whoever is at the door to see me like this while I'm sick.

'Hey so.. I missed you today and I just wanted to make sure you're okay,' he looks at me from top to bottom, 'You don't look okay.' 'I have a small fever.'
'Oh.. uhm..' 'The longer you just stand here the bigger the chance you get caught, come inside.'

'So.. did they fill you in on what happened today?'

He sounds nervous.. why is he nervous?

'Not really.'
'Let's just.. keep it that way.'
'What did you do?' I ask quietly.
'Don't worry about it, I'm sure they're going to tell you when you're back.'

I decide not to make to much of a point out of it.

'Have you eaten anything?' I shake my head, 'I'm afraid I'll throw up.'

He lays his hand on my shoulder and leads me to the couch where I lay down again.

'Cal you know you do at least have to try right?' 'I didn't like the idea of throwing up and cleaning it up.. I would probably throw up again.'
'Is your gag reflex that bad?'
'Well,' he sits down and lays my head down in his lap, 'I'm here now, so we can try in a while.'

I look up to see him glaring back down at me.

'You look precious darling.'
'I'm sick.' 'But still precious.'
'You're weird,' I mumble.
'Look at me Cal, of course I am.'
'I'm already looking at you,' my eyes go up to the bloody bandage on his forehead, 'You look like shit, what did you do?'

He doesn't understand me.. I can see it in his eyes, so I quickly brush underneath the bandage.

'Oh that,' he takes my hand away, 'I just fought today and I was just a little bit rusty since I don't really fight against my main enemy.' 'I'm sorry.'
'No darling it's fine, I don't want to fight against you.. I'm to afraid I'll hurt you.' 'I'm not made of glass.'
'No, but you aren't that strong either.'

'Anyway, I'm fine.. don't worry about me.' 'You don't look fine,' I murmur.
'Darling don't worry about me.'
'You deserve someone who's worried about you too.'

He starts moving his fingers in circles through my hair.
He stares in front of him and looks completely zoned out.

'I'm serious, Levi are you alright?'
'I'm fine.' 'Fine never really means fine,' I sigh, 'Besides you were so nervous about something.'

'I.. I killed a guy Calum.'

The words hit me like venom.

'You did what?' I whisper.
'They were quite aggressive against me, there was no reason not to be I mean.. I didn't have you or anything, so I ended up in a fight with someone who was armoured and.. and..'
'And you got the gun?' I reply.
'No.. well.. the safety wasn't on it and it just.. went wrong.'

I take a deep breath and try to remain calm.

'Who was it?' 'I don't know.'
'Someone you have seen with me before?' 'Not that I know.'

My eyes trail away from him.

'Did you come here for me or for distraction?' 'Both.. I guess.'
'You should really get a pet.. someone to talk to,' I respond.
'I don't know.. I thought about it but I'm worried I won't be home long enough.' 'Get a cat.' 'A kitten? Well no.'
'No a cat, I don't know out of the shelter or something.'
'It's to risky.' I swallow hardly.
'Because of the testing?' 'Yes..'

'I'm sorry Calum.'
'No..I guess it's.. it's fine.'
'Says the guy who just told me fine never really means fine.'
'I don't know alright. I don't know what to think about it.'

He sighs but remains quietly.
I decide to just change the subject for now.

'You should change that bandage.'
'Well go ahead.' 'I'm sick.'
'Alright,' he carefully lays my head down on the couch and stands up, 'In the medical cabinet?' 'Yes.'


'So explain why you only have bandages with either trains or animals?'

I feel my cheeks heat up.

'I.. I must have forgot to buy new ones.' 'Don't worry I'll just tell them my little brother did it if they ask questions.'

He snickers and joins me on the couch again,this time laying down himself with me half on top of him.

'I don't think Ash would like that.'
'Oh no my other brother from my.. father's side.' 'Is he safe?'
'I don't know, I never met him.'
'I know so little about you and yet were together,' I mumble.
'Everytime I take you out and we can talk about whatever you like, you don't ask me anything.. you bearly talk at all.'

I turns around to bury my head in his chest.

'It's my dad.' 'Darling I can't hear you when you're talking into my clothes.'

I turn my head slightly.

'It's my dad,' I repeat.
'What do you mean Calum.'
'My dad has people spy and listen in on me constantly. That's why I don't talk.'
'That's.. horrible. Does he use it against you?' He responds.

All I can do is nod.

'In which ways?'

'So we should try to see if I can eat something.' 'Calum.'
'I'm not going to find a way out of this am I?' 'I'm afraid not darling.'

I take a deep breath and prepare myself.

'When he found out I was seeing a guy a lot he.. asked me to come to his house and,' I sigh, 'and he forced me to sit down in a bath filled with ice water and.. made me black out.'
I talked fast like I was ripping off a bandage.

He on the other hand fell completely quiet.

'Levi?' 'I'm sorry it's just.. the thought of you nog having normal parents.. you could have achieved so much.. so much if only you had normal parents.'
'I wouldn't have met you.'
'That would have be better for you as well.' 'Levi please.'

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