[ 003 ]

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Froggy and Froggy Jr.

[ Y/n ]

The next morning I couldn't bring myself to wake up. I just wanted to lay in my bed all day. I would open my eyes then close them again, falling back asleep.

I finally opened my eyes and glanced at Finn's leather jacket. That reminded me, I'd gotten a text. I picked up my phone and looked at it.

Good morning <3

I smiled and typed back to him.

Good morning back <3

I got out of bed and got up to get dressed. I'd picked out a pink plaid skirt with a matching cropped jacket. Underneath it, I wore a white shirt with a collar.

I checked the time and realized that the bus was going to be here in five minutes. "Shit." I sat down on my bed and sighed, I'm not leaving in five minutes.

Luckily, Finn was my savior and seemed to know exactly what I needed.

I'm driving you to school. I'll be there in fifteen, want anything from McDonald's?

I smiled and bit my lip lightly. I ordered a pancake breakfast but immediately felt bad, thinking it cost too much. Finn assured me it wasn't and told me to finish getting ready.

I went into my bathroom and did my makeup similar to last night's makeup. This time I added a little bit of pink eyeshadow.

I added a light lipstick and looked at myself in the mirror. I realized that I never really got dressed up like this for school.

Maybe it's for a Finn... I turned around and shook my head, I totally dress like that at school. I grabbed my laptop, notes, pencil pouch, and binder from around my room. I put them all in my backpack and threw in my water bottle and a little notebook I talked to throughout the day.

I guess it was a diary.

I put on a pair of knee-high socks and my Lolita shoes again. I dreaded seeing Jack in the halls. I think I had a class with him... I tried not to think about it and put my backpack on.

I'm here.
Do you want me to wait in the car?

Yeah, I'll be out in a second.

I grabbed Finn's jacket and ran downstairs. "Y/n, you're late for the bus!" I shook my head and hugged my mom. "A friend is driving me. She got me breakfast. Love you." I ran out of the front door and got into Finn's car.

We sat there smiling at each other for a moment before he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back, closing my eyes.

After a few seconds, he pulled back. "Here." He passed me a box from McDonald's.

I thanked him and held up his jacket. "Keep it." He said as he started to drive to school. "Really?" Finn nodded and looked over at me for a moment.

"Sure... You look great by the way." I smiled and looked down at my outfit. "Thanks, Finn."
I opened the plate and smiled.

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now