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Waltzing the night away

[ Y/n ]

I laughed as I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress came out beautifully. I twirled around, admiring the small details that made it so lovely.

There was a knock, making my eyes dart towards the door. I took a deep breath before walking over and answering it.

Finn was holding a bouquet of roses with one hand while the other yanked at his curls. He looked beyond embarrassed.

I smiled and took the roses, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "I look so dumb... You look amazing though. Just... You're really beautiful." Finn whispered.

I smiled and set the roses down on his desk. Finn had gone to a different room so it'd be a surprise or whatever. It was really cute though.

Finn was wearing a red jacket. It had gold details on the front, the sleeves, and the collar. It buttoned up in the front and to top it all off, it had gold shoulder cuffs. His pants were just black and he was wearing knee-high black boots.

It was pretty adorable.

I walked back out and he held his arm out for me. I took it and we walked towards the staircase. "There's a fuckton of people in the entrance. You'll probably get to meet a milf or two... Don't engage, it's not worth our time."

I nodded and he started leading me down the stairs. We walked slowly, I anxiously looked at all the people below us.

As we got to the bottom, we were greeted by Finn's parents. "What are you?" His dad asked.

"Clara and The Nutcracker." Finn replied blandly. "You both look amazing... Here, picture." His mom took a few pictures of us before they let us into the crowd.

"Finn! Finn!" We stopped and turned. "Finn! Is this your cousin! I've never met her!" The woman was in her mid to late thirties, light brown hair with blonde highlights, and her boobs were so fake if she rolled on them while she was asleep, they'd pop her back into her mother's womb.

"Mrs. Nevescotti, it's a pleasure. This is my Fiancée, Y/n. I would never bring a cousin as even so much as a side piece." The woman laughed and Finn chuckled. I shifted uncomfortably, her expensive perfume filling my lungs.

"So Y/n, tell me everything you've learned about this little devil... I want to know all of it." She ran her fingers over his chest, messing with some of the tassels.

"Well, I've learned that he's 17, so still a minor. I've learned that he's loyal to his girlfriend. I've learned that he's a lot to take care of and that he can't help you when you throw your hip out playing croquet."

She stared at me in disgust but before she could get anything out Finn pulled me away. He was gentle with my arm, guiding me into a private area.

"You can't do that shit, Babycakes." Finn whispered once we were away from everyone. He tucked some loose hair behind my ear. I nodded and shook my head. "Sorry..." he nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He whispered. "I love you more Finn." He smiled and nudged me. "Not possible." He said as he wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned down to kiss me. I was about to ask about the whole 'fiancée' situation but I didn't quite have time.

"Finn!" He whipped away and we stared at some older women coming towards us. "Suitors... Fuck." I looked up at him and he glanced down at me. "Not them, their daughters." He mumbled. I looked back at them and noticed some girls walking / being dragged towards us.

The women all pushed their girls at Finn and he laughed awkwardly. "Ladies I'm sorry to say but this is my Fiancée and well, I'm not that sorry about it. Thank you for bringing your daughters again. Sorry I didn't like any of them again. Maybe someone else will take you all. We need to go prepare to waltz... Enjoy your night."

Finn pulled me off and I kept my mouth shut. He pulled me into the ballroom and walked me to an empty spot. There were many other couples standing around as well.

I could see Finn's family standing on the side.

The room became hushed and my heart pounded in my chest. The music started and just like we'd practiced, Finn bowed.

I waited a few seconds before giving him a courtesy. Finn smiled and took my hand. We began the waltz, moving in sync.

"So..." Finn whispered. "So..." I replied. "I hope you don't mind that I called you my fiancée. I mean, I hope one day you will be but like that's moving too fast."

I smiled and nodded as Finn dipped me a little. He pulled me back up and bit his lip. "What if we just stole all my dad's shit and ran off tomorrow..." he whispered.

I bit my lip and leaned in, kissing him. We continued to dance as our lips pressed together, the hours of practice paying off.

We pulled away and I maintained eye contact with Finn. "You're so bad... It's so hot." He smiled and twirled me around, both of us caught up in the wonderful moment.

Here are your outfits. Sorry the poses Are weird as shit I literally had to search a dance costume website for these.

^ this with black pants and knee-high boots for Finn

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^ this with black pants and knee-high boots for Finn

^ this dress (except not see-through) with a blue ribbon in your hair and white Lolita shoes)

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^ this dress (except not see-through) with a blue ribbon in your hair and white Lolita shoes)

Guys I just finished writing
the ending to this book and there
might be a sequel planned 👀

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