[ 018 ]

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This chapter contains scenes regarding thoughts / conversations about abortion so if you aren't comfortable, feel free to skip those parts.

Waltzing and Plan B

[ Y/n ]

Finn and I got out of the car, walking to the doors of the dance studio. He pulled me into the building, walking through the front into the back with no interruptions.

I looked back at the desk clerk but she didn't seem to care. "Don't worry about her, I'm allowed whenever I want." Finn told me. We continued to a room near the back, Finn's fingers laced in mine.

He opened the door and I looked inside. "Oh my god, Finn." He looked at me and smiled a dorky grin. "Come on, we need some alone time. Plus I told you that you'd need to learn how to waltz."

I laughed and shook my head. "I'm serious! Come on, I've been doing this since I was a kid." I smiled and followed him into the empty studio.

"Ah, thank god. I didn't think there'd be a radio. God knows where my old one is." He walked over and pressed the top down lightly so it would pop open.

"Sick, I didn't think they'd actually provide us with any sort of music but they did just what I asked!" I smiled at his happiness caused by people doing their jobs.

"Ready?" He asked as he hit play. "Oh wow, we're really just getting into it. Okay." I puffed out a breath and Finn came back over to me.

"Okay so... We're going to stand in front of each other and you'll hold your dress up just a little." Finn stood in front of me and smiled placed one arm across his stomach and the other behind his back.

"Now we're going to wait a moment and then we're going to switch spots. Only you're going to spin while we're switching and then do another spin after we've switched. Then we're going to do that again."

I nodded despite not really understanding and did what he said to the best of my capability. "Okay, that wasn't bad. Now I'm going to bow like this." He did a little bow, keeping his eyes locked with mine.

"Now you curtesy." I curtseyed and smile. "Okay, now we're going to grab hands and I'm going to spin you. Let me do the work here and just follow my lead. If you think too hard about this part it'll get all fucked up. Trust me. I did it like four years in a row."

He spun me in different directions a few times and I did as he said, letting him lead. "Damn! That was really good, you're a natural Y/n." I shook my head and told him to continue.

"Okay, now we hold each other like in the movies." We arranged ourselves so his hand was above my ribcage and my hand was on his shoulder. Our free hands were intertwined, raised a bit.

"Ready?" I nodded and Finn dipped me to the left and then to the right. I clutched his jacket while we both laughed. "That was kinda scary!" I said, catching my breath. "I won't let you fall." Finn proclaimed.

I got back into position and readied myself for the next part of the dance. "Okay now let go of me and I'll spin you."

I let go of him and he spun me, just like he said he would. The music was completely forgotten, continuing on in the background.

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now