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The Wolfhard house

[ Y/n ]

Finn was much better. He was still going through some withdrawal symptoms but he could tough these out.

We packed for the trip the night before and Finn told me about how the event would be.

"It's going to be lots of rich people. The only thing you need to do it stand there and look pretty. Only talk when you're being spoken to. Otherwise, you'll be bombarded with bullshit questions and shit. That's what I've learned at least. If you find someone you like you can talk with them but just... Not old people."

I nodded and finished packing. I zipped the suitcase closed and looked over at him. "Are you nervous?" He shrugged. "I mean, I've always had to waltz with milfs so not as nervous anymore."

I laughed and he gave a small chuckle. "Are you serious?" He nodded and folded a pair of pants. "I'm not even joking when I tell you half of them ask if I want to go somewhere private. It's honestly the creepiest shit ever."

I laughed harder and put my hands over my stomach. "Wait... I'm going to have to take dance classes?" He looked up and nodded. "Yeah, with me. I'm your teacher." He winked and I lightly pushed him.

"You'll also be tailored for a dress but the tailor is a nice guy. He's not creepy at all. Plus I'll be in the room so."

"Why would I be worried?" I asked. "You have to take your clothes off for him." My eyes widened and I stared at him. "No way."

"Not your bra and shit. You're not getting naked for him... That'd be weird." I nodded and Finn finished packing. "How're you feeling?"

He sighed and leaned against the bed. "I have some shitty migraines and I get dizzy out of nowhere but I'm fine." I nodded and moved over to next to him.

I leaned my head on his shoulder her grabbed his hand. "It'll all be worth it..." he nodded and kissed my head.


When we arrived at the Wolfhard estate, it was snowing. Someone came and took both of our bags. I took a deep breath and rubbed his arm.

He gave me an unsure smile before we walked in. We were quickly embraced by Nick and another boy.

"Oh shit, you must be Finn's girlfriend." The other boy noted as he pulled away. I nodded and smiled at him. "That's Quincy." Finn added. He nodded and waved, urging me to wave back.

"Finn!" Nick and Quincy moved out of the way. "Mom." Finn's mom hugged him, holding his jacket tightly.

She cried into his shoulder while he whispered comforting words to her. She pulled away and he gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Y/n! You look so beautiful." I smiled and hugged her.

"You look beautiful as well Mrs. Wolfhard." She smiled and looked at us. "Oh! Finn, take Y/n to the tailoring room. You two need to get your outfits finished ASAP. The theme this year is fairy tales. We also need you to attend the ballet with us. We're seeing Swan Lake."

I smiled and looked at Finn. He didn't seem as excited but nodded. "Okay, off you go." We waved and left.

"We can just fuck in the bathroom during the ballet." I frowned because I was looking forward to watching it but nodded. He opened the door and I walked inside.

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