[ 014 ]

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Just a quick note before this chapter begins!

Y/n is in a really toxic relationship and thus why she acts the way she acts. I know it's unhealthy and I understand that her thoughts and decisions may seem utterly ridiculous but just- vibe with me okay? The book is just starting shit is about to go down ;)

Telling Finn

[ Y/n ]

Finn and I were in bed, the tv playing in the background. "Come on, let's fuck." He whispered. I nodded and we both started to undress.

Finn was pretty happy he wasn't in the stupid nightgown anymore. He even wore jeans in bed.

We both undressed completely and Finn told me to lay on my stomach. I did and watched the tv as I did so. Finn kissed my back a few times before whispering he was going to start.

I nodded and closed my eyes as he slowly thrust in. I clutched the bedsheets, laying my head down. Finn moaned and I bit my lip. "Okay- move." I told him.

He started to thrust in and out at a decent pace. I groaned and continued to watch tv. Finn sped up and we were both making quite a bit of noise. We were trying to be quiet though since it was like four AM.

He grabbed my ribcage and started thrusting in especially hard. I moaned and gasped and made noises I didn't know I could.

He leaned down and pressed his head on top of mine. I felt my climax coming soon. "Finn! I have... to... ughh." He starting hitting a soft spot. "T-Tell you some-something!"

"Yeah? What?" He continued to fuck me and I felt myself start to cum. I dug my head into the duvet and Finn started to cum too. He groaned and we rode out our highs.

He collapsed back into the bed and pushed his sweaty curls out of his face. "What is it, angel?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant."

I turned around and Finn was staring at me. "Really?" I nodded and bit my lip. "Uh... Do... We have to... Y'know... Keep it?"

I bit my lip and turned around to watch tv. "Finn I think I really want this baby." He rubbed my back and I silently cried.

"Precious... I don't think we're fit to parent. Not now at least. Plus, where would we have the baby? We can't go to the hospital. Then you have literally every other fucking thing that comes with childbirth."

I was crying harder now, holding the covers. "Finn!! Stop it! I'm keeping the baby and if you don't want to be apart of it I'll take myself back home and have it there with someone who isn't a fucking druggie!"

"Shut up. I'm going to raise my kid and I'm going to do it well." I nodded and a small smile peeked onto my face.

"I hope it's a boy."

I smiled wider and crawled up to the top of the bed, laying down on his chest. "I love you... You really scared me, Finn." He rubbed my hair and hummed.

"I'm sorry. I swear, it'll never happen again." I nodded and ran my fingers down his chest. "What about all the drugs? You need to stop taking them."

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now