[ 004 ]

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Pickle's blessing

[ Y/n ]

After school, Finn drove me home. Since my parents didn't get out of work until 8 and it was only 2, I had plenty of alone time with Finn.

We walked into my room and I collapsed on my bed. "Nap time?" Finn asked. I nodded and sat up. I grabbed my tank top from off the floor and ran into the bathroom.

I quickly took my makeup off and undressed. I unhooked my bra and threw it on the floor, relived. I put the tank top on and slipped my skirt off.

Now I was ready to sleep. I walked out and Finn was in bed with the covers pulled up to his nose. His clothes were on the floor. Just his pants and his shirt though. "Holy shit Mamas... That's a great look." Finn winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut it Wolfhard." I got in bed with him and we both immediately went to cuddle. I smiled as Finn rested his head on top of mine. "You're so small..." he mumbled, rubbing my back lightly.

"Shh..." I whispered, kissing his neck. Finn quieted down and I felt myself start to doze off.

"Y/n..." I looked around, I was at school. At the end of the hall was Jack. I stumbled back and looked around.

Jack came closer and had a gun in his hand. I started to scream, trying to run. I couldn't. I looked around and saw a figure next to me. "FINN! FINN HELP ME!"

He stepped in front of me and I hugged his waist.
There was a loud bang and-

I sat up gasping for air, my chest pumped up and down quickly. Finn squinted and then sat up. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, it's okay... I'm here." I cried into his shoulder.

"I'm here baby, you're safe." He whispered, rocking me a little. I took a few deep breathes and calmed down.

"Here, have some water." He got up and I saw dark scratch marks at the higher parts of his back. "Shit Finn, I was scratching you. Sorry." He shrugged and handed me a bottle of water from his backpack.

I took a sip and smiled at how cold it was. "How did you keep it cold all day?" Finn sat on the bed and sighed.

"Magic." He whispered, making me laugh more. Finn smiled and leaned in to kiss my lips. All of the sudden his phone rung and he froze.

Finn pulled his phone out, hands shaking. "Hello?" He closed his eyes and I listened to screaming from the other line.

"Yes sir... I'm studying- no... I'm stud- I'm... No, I wasn- Wait- Hello? Hello?" He put his phone down and got up.

Finn put his clothes on and grabbed his backpack. "I have to go... I'll see you tomorrow morning, love you." Finn kissed me lightly and ran out of my house.

I watched as he quickly got in his car and sped away. I bit my lip and sat back on my bed.

Man, that Jack kid is really scary...

I texted Finn a quick good luck message for whatever was going on and let myself fall back asleep.

I dreamt of Finn and I. We were at his house, I was looking at his frog. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his head on my back.

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now