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Birthday Present Shopping
Become the warm jets — Current Joys

[ Y/n ]

Finn spent the next few days happy but was sad again. Not as sad as the first time but still pretty depressed. His meds were going to take at least another two weeks. His birthday is tomorrow and I'm taking him out today to look for presents.

"Babe, look." I pointed at a dog pound. We walked inside and saw all the dogs in the back. "Hi, are you two here for adoption day or are you looking for a lost dog?" I smiled at the employee and told her we were here for adoption day. "Alright, right through that door." We walked out with all the dogs and I smiled as some ran up and started to lick my hands. "Aren't you guys cute!" I crouched down and rubbed a bulldogs head. God, I would die for these puppies.

Finn wandered off and some of the dogs followed him but I stayed with the bulldog. "That's Meatloaf, he's a two month old miniature bulldog. Already potty trained and responds to basic commands. Very very smart for his age." I picked him up and looked back at the guy. "Why is he here?" The male fed Meatloaf a doggy biscuit and scratched behind his ear. "We found him freezing in a dumpster. He's not traumatized at all though, which is good."

I nodded and looked around for Finn. I walked over to him and the employee followed me. "Hey Finn, find a dog you like?" Finn was sitting on the ground with a big dog in his arms. "That's amazing." We both looked at the employee who was staring at Finn. "Mio was abused when he was a puppy and is afraid of all people. He has to be isolated so he doesn't have panic attacks." I looked back at Finn and watched as the dog licked his cheek.

Finn laughed and gave a genuine smile. "Uh- try giving this to him." The boy handed Finn a dog biscuit. Finn fed the dog the biscuit, which he happily ate. "Is that a big deal?" I asked. "Y-yeah! He won't eat from any of our hands... I hate to push this on you but do you think you could at least consider adopting him?"

Finn looked at us and I asked to talk to Finn alone. "I want him but I can't give him a good life." Finn mumbled. "I know I can't." I kissed Finn's head and gave him a sad smile. "We should get your dog..." He whispered. I nodded and Finn stood up, lightly nudging the big dog off of him. I handed Finn Meatloaf and walked over to the employee.

"Could I pick Mio up tomorrow?" He nodded and a huge grin spread onto his face. "Of course! Thank you!" I laughed and shook his hand. "What time do you open?"

"What time can you pick him up?"

"I'll be here tomorrow morning at 8. It's a birthday present so do you think you could maybe give him a bath?" The employee nodded and and thanked him. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

I walked over to the register where one of the other volunteers was handing Finn some stuff. "These are some boots for his paws when it's snowing and these are his food and water dishes." I smiled at the lady as she put all of the stuff into a basket. "Thank you!" I waved goodbye, grabbing the basket and leaving. Finn had put the boots on his paws and had attached a leash to his collar.

"Thank you Finn. I'm sorry we didn't find any good presents." Finn shrugged and looked down at Meatloaf as he happily ran around. "You being happy is the best present I've ever gotten..."

I smiled and held onto his arm, continuing to walk through the snowy streets with a big grin on my face.

. . .

When we got home Finn laid in bed and watched tv while I set up Meatloaf's area. In the basket, there was his bed, his favorite toys, a bag of food Finn and I bought, his dishes, some clothes they put him in, some collars, and lastly some important adoption papers. Meatloaf loved it here. He ran around like crazy, looking at everything he could.

He came back into the room with a sock in his mouth. He froze as he saw me, making me grin. I faked going for the sock and he ran between my arms and legs, jumping onto his bed. I laughed and turned around, playing with him some more.

Eventually, we were both tired out so I picked Meatloaf up and laid down in bed with Finn. Meatloaf quickly fell asleep on my stomach as I pet him. "He's so precious." I whispered. Finn hummed and I looked up at him. "So... You excited for your birthday tomorrow?"

Finn shrugged, looking down at me. "I guess... Sure." I nodded and leaned my head on him. "I love you Finn." He kissed my head, making me grin.

We laid together for the rest of the day. We ended up falling asleep at 2 am, holding each other close. I couldn't wait for today, Finn is going to have the best birthday ever.

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