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The calls

[ Y/n ]

"Hey, eat some." I urged Finn. "I'm not- not- I'm not hun- Jesus." Finn looked away as I tried to give him a bite of porridge.

"Eat it." I demanded. "No." He replied. "FINN FUCKING EAT IT." I slammed my free hand down on the table.

He shakily opened his mouth I carefully put the spoon in his mouth. I pushed his mouth shut and pulled the spoon out.

"Swallow." Finn swallowed and opened his mouth so I knew he swallowed it. "Good boy." I whispered, ruffling his hair.

"Sleep. Please everything hurts so bad I just want sleep. Let me sleep. I need to sleep." He held his head, sweat dripped off his chin.

"Okay, okay. Two more bites. Take two and I'll let you go to sleep." Finn nodded and opened his mouth.

I took a forkful of eggs and fed that to him. He swallowed it and reached for his water. His hand fell back into his lap and he whimpered. "I fucking hate this. I would rather be dead. Please just kill me." I shook my head and grabbed his water.

I helped him drink the water and wiped the water that spilled from his lips away. He started to whimper and shake, falling into my arms.

"Shh... Shh..." Finn held me while I brushed his sweaty hair off his forehead. "Pl-e-e-ease. FUCK! Kill me. Do it. Now. Please Y/n I'm begging you. If you don't kill me right fucking now I'll do it myself."

I continued to stroke his hair while he cried into my clothes. I shook my head and pulled his chair out. "Come on, get in bed." I helped him up and practically dragged him to the bed.

Finn fell into the bed and huffed. "Don't leave me." He whispered. "I'll never leave you, my love." I whispered, getting in bed with him.

Finn rested his head on top of my cleavage. He heaved loud breathes and continued to shake uncontrollably.

"It's okay Finn. You'll get through this..." he nodded and his hands gripped at the back of my shirt.

He fell asleep quickly though his body continued to shake. I eventually fell asleep with him, my hands on his back and in his hair.

[ Finn ]

I gasped and sat up. I rolled over and threw up in the garbage can Y/n put by the bed. My whole body hurt more than anything I'd ever felt.

I reached over and grabbed my phone. I dialed Jack's number. The line rang for a moment before he answered. "Where the fuck are you dumbass? The whole fucking city is looking for you and Princess."

"Jack, please. I'll pay extra. Just fucking- one gram. One gram and some OC's. Please, please, Jack." I whispered.

"Come on man... I gave you enough to last a month at least." I looked over at Y/n and shook my head. "She found them and dumped it all. Please. Come on."

"Man, fuck you. You know what happened last time I dealt with you. No one's gonna give you shit. You should've hidden everything better if you needed them this bad."

I whimpered and started to cry. "Jack I know we don't like each other but I'm fucking begging you. I will literally give you anything."

"A night alone with Princess."

"Her name is Y/n and no fucking way."

The line went dead and I dropped my phone on the ground. "Finn?" Y/n sat up and I looked back at her.

"You okay?" I nodded and flopped back down onto my pillow. She got out of bed and walked around for a moment before coming back with a few things.

She used a wet cloth to clean my face up, being careful to not hurt me. She then gave me a glass of water, sitting me up and holding it against my lips.

The last thing she had was a slice of bread. I took a few bites before collapsing back down. Y/n got in bed with me and laid on my chest.

Her fingers moved across my skin delicately for a moment. My phone started to ring and she reached down to grab it.

I was shaking with fear it was Jack. "Hello?" I closed my eyes, unable to look at her.

"Finn... It's your dad." I looked up and grabbed my phone from her. "Hello?" I mumbled. "Did you fucking kidnap her?"

"No." I replied simply. "Does she do drugs?" "No." I said again. "Well, she looked presentable. Your ass better be back here next week for the Winter Ball. If you don't show I'll give the police your address."

"Can Y/n be my date?" I asked. "Whatever." He responded. "As soon as it's over we're flying back. No questions asked. You're not going to tell anyone we're there. No one is going to stop us from leaving."

"Finn I don't give a fuck what you do. All I care about is your ass showing up. You better look healthy and happy. Got it?"

I rubbed my eyes and looked down at Y/n. I felt a searing pain in my head and gripped the sheets, biting my lip so I wouldn't make a noise.

"I said do you fucking get it?" I wiped my tears off my cheeks and nodded. "Yeah okay dad. Whatever."

"You'll be here next Thursday."

The line went dead and I dropped my phone again. I started to cry, holding my head. "Shhh... Shhhh..." Y/n held me while I cried.

It's going to be a long fucking week. That's all I know.

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now