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The Final Chapter
Apocalypse — Cigarettes after Sex
TW — sensitive content

[ Finn ]

I should wake up.

I wonder where Y/n is. She's not in bed.

I opened my eyes, staring at the wall. My eyes still felt heavy, despite how much sleep I must've gotten. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Birthday... It's my birthday.

I smiled, laughing a little. I'm a real person now. An adult. I laughed again and stood up, I rushed out of the room, beaming. My heart stopped as I took in the scene. There were decorations but no Y/n. I looked around for a moment before running back into the room. I grabbed my phone, looking at it.

December 31

No... No, no, no.

"Finn?" I turned around to face the voice, it wasn't Y/n's. "Margot?" She gave a little wave and smiled. "You're up." I nodded, looking around. "Y/n asked me to come feed you and give you water..." I nodded looking around. "There's a note on the counter for you." She mentioned as she left. I rushed out to the kitchen, grabbing the note.

Finn, I don't know how long I'll have been gone when you read this. You slept through your birthday. It's okay though love, almost all your presents are in the living room. I'm leaving your last gift with Margot until I get back. I had to leave asap. My mom is sick. Please please please FaceTime me when you wake up again. I trust you baby. Just, don't do anything too crazy if you get manic. Call Margot if you need her. I picked up your meds, they're in the medicine cabinet. Love you bunches!

I rubbed my face, shaking my head. I suck. I can't believe she planned on having a nice birthday all for my dumbass to sleep through it. I walked back into the bedroom, grabbing my phone. I opened FaceTime, calling Y/n. It rang for a second before she answered. "Finn!" I smiled and waved. "Ah, baby! How are you? I miss your sweet face. Look! Meatloaf misses you too!" Meatloaf barged into the frame barking at me. We both smiled as Y/n nudged him out of the way, scratching behind his ears.

I laughed and rubbed my face. "I'm good... I miss you too." She laughed and I started to zone out. "Finn?" I looked back up at her and she gave a slight smile. "Do you want to open your presents?"

I nodded, getting up and walking back into the living room. I sat down and looked at my presents. They were all set out neatly. I grabbed one, opening it the second it was in my lap. I laughed and stared at the C.D. "I didn't even know you had a C.D. player until like, three days before your birthday." I nodded and looked at the cover.

"I uh... Planned on listening to it with you..." I looked back up at her a grinned. "So...There's songs on here that were meant for..?" She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Sex." I nodded and hummed. "Good to know." I grabbed my next present, opening it quickly as well. "Ta-da! It's a Plantasia hoodie!" I laughed and nodded, pulling my shirt off and pulling the hoodie on. "Oh damn, it's comfortable."

The next present had blue wrapping paper, different from all the others that had red wrapping paper. "That one's from your mom." I nodded and sighed, setting it aside. "I'll open it last then. Let's keep going. I have four more."

I opened the next four to be pleasantly surprised. New games for my Switch, two limited edition Mac DeMarco vinyls, some hair clips because Y/n wanted to see me in them, and a very cute book full of photos Y/n and I had taken throughout our relationship.

"The present from your mom!" She reminded. I nodded, picking it up. "Ah, it's probably socks. It's light." She hummed and then someone was talking to her. "Oh, okay." I looked down at my phone, watching her. She sighed and looked back at me. "Love, it's been great talking to you but I have to go. Text me what it is! Love you!" I returned the love you and she hung up.

I opened the present, pulling out the card.

Dear Finn,
I know you're living a good life. You're with Y/n, you're in a better place than Vancouver, and you're medicated.
I just wanted to remind you who you are though.
Finn Wolfhard.
Admitted into a psych ward at 9. While you were there you were sexually harassed by your roommate 16 times. You didn't speak up because you were scared. Do you remember Finn? You told me. You were scared of the nurses and the kids. You developed a drug addiction at 8 but started acting on it when you were 13. Isn't that disappointing? You were 8. When you were 15 you were diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar depression, borderline personality disorder, and severe social anxiety. I bet Y/n doesn't know that. When you were 16 your dad broke your jaw and now it clicks when you eat. When you were 17 you finally got the balls to ask Y/n L/n out. She's not that much of a catch in my eyes though. But do you remember when you told me all this Finn? It was a party. When we were friends. Holy shit you were so fucked up. You hadn't really drank anything so I was co fused as hell but you pulled out a heroin kit. Then you pulled out some pills. And some Acid. I sat there like "holy fuck he's going to die tonight." And you did it. All of it. And then you told me. Shit Finn, you're so fucked up I wasn't sure what to do at first. And that's why I left you. And I'm sorry man. But you're so fucked up, no one is ever going to stay with you. Y/n will leave. Your parent will leave. Nick will leave.

You're going to be alone.

Happy birthday Finn.
- Jack

I sat speechless, staring at the paper. I looked into the present and gasped. I can't. I pulled out all my favorites plus some new shit, including a heroin kit. I looked back down at the note then back up at all of Y/n's gifts. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to touch anything. I quickly crumpled the note and stood up. I shook my head and ran into the bathroom.

I started a cold shower and quickly got in.

My clothes quickly became drenched. I can't think straight. My body began aching for it. I cried as I thought of everything that's happened. How could I have done this to her? To the girl I love more than anything. I fucked up. I'm fucked up.

I turned the water off and got out of the shower. I dried off and changed my clothes. I walked back out to the living room and looked at everything. I know what you're all thinking.

Don't you dare do it.

But no one understands. I picked up the present and pulled out one of the baggies from inside. It had several large pills in it. What they were, I wasn't sure. I pulled one out and crushed it up. I rolled a bill and leaned down to the powder. The familiar feeling of it entering my system hit me and right after so did the effects.

This was something new. Something harder then anything I'd had before. Something addictive.

I know you think I'm disgusting.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling.

You're not a bad person for thinking this. I am disgusting. I should've asked for help. Instead I did this.

I reached down and grabbed the photo book Y/n had made me.

Trust me... If I could change, I would.
I swear I would.
I would be the ideal boyfriend.
Not even that, I'd just be a good person.
But not all people are meant to be good people I guess.

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