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New friends

[ Y/n ]

Finn was back to his sweet self but he was... Slower. He was constantly dropping stuff, walking into doors and walls, his reactions were delayed too.

I watched him close a door on his finger and he didn't even notice until at least ten seconds later. I was really worried about him.

I was too scared to ask him about it though.

I pretended everything was normal and didn't say a single thing. Finn tripped over himself constantly and I was practically holding him up the whole day.

It was pretty frustrating but I loved him a lot so I did it.

Finn showered by himself because he got 'self conscious'. I knew it was because he couldn't hide his arms. So yeah, maybe a little self conscious for that reason.

I sat at the desk in the room with my head in my arms. I really wanted to cry. I sighed and shook my head, sitting up.

I can't cry over a boy. It's not worth it. Finn came out of the bathroom, drying his hair off with a towel. He was wearing a Seahawks sweatshirt and his boxers.

"Hey bub, nice shower?" Finn nodded and kissed my head. "Hey, I need to go talk business with the owner. Do you want to come or would you rather stay here?"

I shrugged and looked outside. "I'll stay here." "Alright, I'm going to change out of this." He set the towel down and went over to one of his bags.

Finn pulled out a pair of dress pants, a shirt, a tie, and a nice blazer. He dressed and was fixing his tie in the mirror. I noticed a part of his collar sticking up and walked over to push it back down.

He thanked me and I shrugged, brushing his shirt off.

I handed Finn a pair of dress socks and nice shoes. "Wow, you really packed for everything. I don't have one nice outfit."

Finn shook his head and pulled me in front of him. I was wearing a turtle neck and some mom jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror while Finn lightly kissed my head.

"All your outfits are nice love. You make everything look so good." I smiled and looked up at him. He kissed my cheek and I turned around to continue to fix his shirt.

"Hey, can you do me a favor and find a book on the history of this building? I know they have one." I nodded and immediately ran to the door.

I'd been dying to get out of the room. "Okay, I'll find it. Good luck!" I walked out of the room and started down the hall.

As I was halfway to the elevator, I realized I didn't grab a key. I walked back to the room and knocked on the door.

There was a loud crash and then the door opened. "Are you okay Finn?" I asked, looking around. "Y-yeah. I just knocked the chair over."

I nodded and saw the chair on the floor. I looked back up at Finn and noticed how he had white powder smudged over to his cheek.

I lightly bit my lip and asked for a key. Finn nodded and I stepped into the room. I could see some pills on the table and a glass cup.

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