[ 005 ]

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Fancy hotels

[ Y/n ]

I woke up next to Finn today. After going over to his house, we really began to bond.

I've known him for a week now and all I can feel for him is love. I love him so so much. Finn had his head resting in the crook of my neck. I turned a little to look at the clock, it was 7. This meant that I could go back to sleep.

I smiled and turned my head back, giving Finn a light kiss on the head before closing my eyes and falling back asleep.


After what felt like a few minutes I woke up to Finn sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing my cheek lightly. "What?" I grumbled, not wanting to wake up.

It must've been only 8 or something and it's a Saturday. "It's noon, I want to spend time with you." I smiled and looked at him. Shit, I definitely slept longer than I expected...

"Come on, we're going on a walk." Finn pat my legs and got up, walking over to the drawers that now had some of his clothes in them.

I stretched and sat up, trying to wake up. I felt my eyes close as I started to fall asleep. Finn's hands pressed lightly against my cheeks before he started to press small kisses all over my face.

I smiled and let him kiss me, very happy. Eventually, he pulled me up and I got dressed.

Almost two hours later, we were walking hand in hand downtown. Finn was wearing a black hoodie, some jeans, and some black Docs to top it all off.

I was wearing a white sundress with little flowers on it, a light pink oversized cardigan on top of that, and my lovely Lolita shoes.

Of course we got some weird stares, Finn was smoking and I was holding onto his hand begging for ice cream.

It didn't take much to convince him to buy us some. "Let's share, how about cookies and cream?" I nodded and Finn handed me his wallet to go order.

He couldn't come inside since he was smoking and they didn't allow that. I walked up to the counter and was greeted by a friendly old man.

An older woman stood to his left, fixing some pastries. I assumed they were husband and wife and began to imagine what Finn and I's future would be like.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" I smiled at the man and pointed at the cookies and cream. "Hi, um... Waffle cone, two scoops of cookies and cream please." He nodded and began to make my order.

"I love your dress." The woman complemented. I thanked her and complimented her yellow shirt. "Is that boy waiting for you?" I turned and looked at Finn who was staring at the ground, inhaling a long breath of the cigarette.

"How'd you know?" I asked, turning back to her. "I didn't. He was just standing there and you're the only person in here right now who he'd be with." I nodded and the man set the cone in a small metal holder.

"Two fifty please." I opened Finn's wallet and pulled out a five dollar bill. "Keep the change, have a nice day!" I waved to them and grabbed the ice cream, walking back out to Finn.

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