[ 009 ]

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Breakfast isn't the same alone

[ Y/n ]

Finn and I stood in the shower, facing away from each other. "This isn't going to work..." He whispered.

I hummed in agreement and turned around. "Damn you have a better ass then I'll ever have." I glanced back up, leaning forward a little to see his face. Finn had his eyes squeezed shut.

"Don't say that, it's embarrassing!" I laughed and hugged him. "Are you going to turn around Finn?" He nodded and slowly turned.

I smiled and let go of him. "This is the first time we've ever seen each other naked..." I mumbled. "It's definitely not going to be the last." He winked.

I felt my cheeks burn and I looked away. "Who's the embarrassing one now!" I whined. Finn laughed and kissed my head. "You... Have a nice body... Not in a creepy way!"

I smiled and finally got the courage to look down. Finn did not disappoint. He was serving the cake and packing the meat.

I bit my lip and looked up at him. "What?" I tried to refrain from saying it but he's just so perfect and he looks extra cute when he's embarrassed!

"Your body is so hot Finn! I'm so lucky to have you!" He groaned and pulled me in for another hug. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too Finn... A lot."

"A lot, a lot?" He asked. "A lot, a lot." I replied.


After our shower we went down to eat dinner. It was really lovely, we met a lot of the other guests. They're all so sweet.

The dinner was delicious, we had spaghetti that tasted like it came from heaven.


The night was really a blur. Finn and I made out for a while, we watched tv, we played with Pickle for a bit, and then we settled in bed.

I fell asleep quickly, hugging Finn tightly. He squirmed around a lot and I was positive he left the bed for a while in the middle of the night.

I couldn't bring myself to wake up. I could just acknowledge that he wasn't in bed for a really long time.


The next morning I woke up fairly early. Finn was passed out next to me, a pillow on his head. One of his arms hung out of the bedsheets.

I was going to hold his hand when I noticed how his arm had bruised but in a really weird way. I looked closer and noticed a fresh puncture wound.

I've learned about this. It can't be real though. Finn wouldn't go that far. I grabbed my phone and lifted the pillow and opened his eyes.

I used my phone's flashlight to check his pupils. He groaned and pushed my away. "Knock it off.." he grumbled, rolling over. "Finn... What- Where did you go last night?" I asked sternly.

"Nowhere, just go to sleep. It's too early... Give me some covers it's cold." He pulled the covers completely over himself.

"Finn come on. What did you-" "Just let it go! Jesus! I wasn't cheating so it doesn't fucking matter! Let me sleep!" I bit my lip to keep myself from crying.

I got out of bed and changed into a white cropped cardigan and a floral skirt. I put on some brown Lolita shoes and grabbed a key.

I glanced back at Finn who was still passed out in bed. I turned around and walked out, closing the door quietly behind me.

I ate breakfast alone for a while. It was so cold. Without Finn to joke around with I felt so sad... So alone... So out of place... I wanted to cry, my lip would quiver frequently.

Eventually, someone took pity on me.
One of the maids invited me to her table. She was a really sweet older lady. 60 at least.

She was really kind and she was married to the butler who worked here, I thought that was really cute. I told her about Finn and how he's a real softie most of the time.

She said she'd love to meet him and I was really excited to introduce the two. Sadly she had to go to work so I was left alone again.

They had a library so I went up there and settled in. I was reading a book on Grimm's Fairytales when someone else came into the library.

"Y/n." Finn's groggy voice called. I ignored him and continued to read. "Y/n!" Finn called in a louder tone. I continued to ignore him, angry about this morning.

"There you are. Why didn't you answer?" I didn't answer that either. "Hey, baby, look at me." He sat down next to me and sighed.

"Come on Princess, I'm sorry. I was really tired... I promise it won't happen again... Can I have a kiss?" I sighed and looked at him.

He looked like shit. Truly.
His eyes were dull and dark bags were visible. He seemed more pale and thinner. His lips were cracked and had obviously been bleeding. I felt worried, so scared for him.

I leaned in and kissed his chapped lips. He kissed back playfully, pushing me on my back.

I smiled as he kissed my face several times. "I love you." He whispered, I caressed his cheek lightly before replying, "I love you too Finn... You know that right?"

He laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah... Of course." I nodded and decided I'd let whatever this is go. He won't do it again. I don't need to bring it up.
He can take care of himself.

𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now