[ 017 ]

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This chapter contains scenes regarding thoughts / conversations about abortion so if you aren't comfortable, feel free to skip those parts.

Snowman army

[ Y/n ]

Finn was working on some paperwork his dad has given him, rubbing his left eye constantly. I looked up from my laptop as he started a coughing fit.

He was covering his mouth strangely, using his palm rather than his elbow. "You okay baby?" I asked, looking back down at my computer.

"Mhm..." he hummed, getting up. Finn walked into the kitchen and washed his hands before coming back.

I scrolled through a variety of websites, looking for baby equipment. "Should we have a theme?" He looked up at me as he sat down.

"A theme for what?" He asked. "The baby." I whispered to him. "Oh um about that... So I was thinking and I just... Hmm... Uh well, never mind." I shook my head and closed my laptop.

"What is it, Finn?" He shook his head again and rubbed his eye again. I got up and walked closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Come on, take a break." I mumbled, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck. "Y/n, just forget it. Please... I don't wanna talk about it. It's just stupid."

I kissed his neck a few times, ignoring his request. "Come on baby, just tell me. It's okay." He sighed and grabbed my hand.

"I don't want you to have the kid." He whispered. I closed my eyes and sighed. "Please don't be mad with me." He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips. He held it there for a moment before continuing.

"I'm sorry... We just aren't ready. For fucks sake. I just- I can't be with you if you're going to have the baby. I'm serious, I love you so much Y/n. Please don't have this baby."

I stared at the table, processing the statement. "Why?" I asked, letting go of him. "You- you told me you-" "I said I would raise him. I remember very vividly that I didn't want you to have it. Y/n this is so fucked up. We can't have this baby."

"You're so selfish." I whispered harshly. "I'm selfish? You're the one who doesn't even fucking consider what it's like to be me!" He whispered back.

"I have a serious problem and you just fucking rip it all away from me all at once and expect me to become the perfect boyfriend. That's not how it fucking works. It's called addiction. It's an illness not a fucking hobby."

He slammed his planner closed and got up. I watched him walk away, not in the direction of his room.

I sighed and bit my nail. Maybe he's right... We're 17.

The panic and regret began to set in.

I can't do this. I can't have the baby. Fuck, how do I get rid of it without an abortion...

My heart pounded in my chest while I continued to stare at the table.

I've never been so afraid.

I covered my mouth and looked back at my closed laptop. I grabbed it and opened it up, typing in my password.

I went to google and looked around. No one was watching me.

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