Chapter Two: Sneaky Sister?

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Double Act - Chapter 2

~~ Livvy's P.O.V ~~

Now. I loved the idea of auditioning for the X Factor. They don't know you at all, and you can make yourself whoever you want to be. I love that.

But Lara isn't so keen.

So when I uploaded the audition tape and filled out the applications, I made extra sure that my twin wasn't home. I waited until she had gone to her guitar lesson down the road, then whipped out the laptop.

I clicked the file to upload, letting it buffer as I dashed into James’ bedroom. I found him reading some post as he lay on the covers of his double bed.

“J! Look, its uploading!”

“She’s going to kill us so bad!” he chuckled, taking the laptop from me and pacing it on his own lap. I was aware of a smile on my face that spread from one ear to the other.

He was surrounded by official looking letters, but when I tried to read them, he gathered them up and threw them over the other side of his large double bed.

We watched the load bar fill up, cheering when it hit 100%. A message flashed up on the screen, and I quickly read it.



As we read it, the front door slammed and we heard Lara’s boots clacking on the wooden floorboards. I swore under my breath, James doing the same.

It was a well-known fact that Lara would always check her emails when she got back from her guitar lesson.  Don't ask why, she just thought she had missed something whilst learning how to play another song on her beloved instrument.

(If you think she's wierd, just know that I'm nothing like her. Well, you know, apart from the whole 'Identical twin' thing. I think I got the looks whilst she got the crazy!)

I shared a worried glance with my older brother before heading to the lounge to brace ourselves for Lara’s wrath. She could be violent if she chose to be, and we knew all about it!

~~ Lara's P.O.V ~~

I smiled as I walked through the front door, proud of myself for learning 3 songs in a half-hour lesson. I let the door slam behind me and headed into my bedroom.

Well, our bedroom.

Liv and I shared a bunk bed. She insisted on covering the room with One Direction posters, and I didn't complain. If I did complain, she'd just hit me. But the joke’s on her, I’m a noisy sleeper…

I slid in front of my computer, which was already switched on. I went straight to my emails, like I always did. Most of the emails were spam, but the newest one caught my eye. I clicked on it, reading it and almost falling off of the chair.

I was auditioning for the X Factor in London. With Livvy. Urm, what? It dawned on me what my twin sister had done, and my jaw dropped.

“Liv! What did you do?!” I screeched, leaping off of my chair and skidding into the lounge. James was in hysterics on the floor, so I assumed he was in on the whole thing.

I slapped Livvy's leg repeatedly, the anger still slowing through me. It wasn't her decision whether I auditioned or not! Why did she think she could control me?!

“Screw you! I’m not going!” I yelled. Liv immediately stopped laughing.

“Yes you are. You’ll be with me, Lara!” she told me, kicking my leg lightly with the end of her boot. I rolled my eyes.

“Why do you always assume you know what I want, Liv? I don't want to audition! I'm not fricking going!" I yelled, slumping down next to my sister.


Authors Note: Hii guyss! I know I said I wouldn't update yet, but I was bullied into it by my friend Maisy. Thank her!

Hope it's alright so far! It's not very long, but you get more of an insight on their relationship as sisters. Love saying that...

Anyway! Thank you for reading! Pleeaassee vote! And leave a comment, I'll reply as soon as I can Xxx Thanks guyss x

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