Chapter Forty Eight: Let Me In

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Double Act - Chapter 48

~~ Lara's P.O.V ~~

"Lara!" Liv said, catching my arm as I fled the hall. "Stop, wait!" I saw that Louis wasn't with her and my heart dropped in to my stomach.

"You didn't stop him, did you?" I asked, already knowing the answer and not really wanting her to reply. I sighed, and sat down on the chair beside me. After a few moments Liv sat in the chair opposite me.

"Lara, I-"

I shook my head and closed my eyes. "S'alright, Liv, really. It isn't your fau-"

"Lara," she said, rolling her eyes impatiently. "I didn't stop him from leaving. But I managed to get these off him," she giggled, fishing something out of her pocket.

My eyes widened at the sound of jangling and I grinned at the sight of Louis' car keys. He wasn't in his car. That meant I could catch up with him pretty quickly in his car. I could stop him and explain everything.

I took the keys from a pride-filled Liv and stood from my chair. I hugged her as tightly as I could and pulled back.

"Do I ever tell you how much I love you?"

Her eyes lit up, and she winked. "Not nearly enough,"

~~ Louis' P.O.V ~~

And that's how I ended up trudging along, my fancy dinner jacket slung over my shoulder as I gloomily heading along a dark road dotted with deep pot-holes, being carefully avoided by the posh cars that sped past.

I heard a car's engine from behind me, and I stepped over to the side of the road to give it more room as it passed. I had already had the worst night ever, I did not want to make it worse by getting runover. The car's horn sounded, and I scowled as my temper flared.

"I'm as far over as I can get, buddy!" I muttered, turning around and spreading my hands at the driver, who I couldn't make out in the shine of the headlights. I turned around once more, and continued to walk.

The horn sounded again. Twice this time. I grumbled under my breath, and looked over my shoulder at the car.

"I can't walk any further over!" I yelled, hoping that they would somehow hear me. But, of course, they didn't.

Beep beep!

I snapped, and whizzed around to face the car. "Alright, alright!" I shouted, stomping off of the road and in to the muddy bank beside it. "I'll walk in the mud!" I fumed at the driver, who had slowed to a stop. The door opened, and a figure stepped out the far side of the car. A figure I couldn't make our due to the still blindingly bright head lamps.

"Are you happy n-?" I blinked, the brightness subsiding and revealing a painfully familiar girl with mascara stained cheeks and teary eyes.

"Oh, it's you,"

She sniffed, and gave her best attempt at a smile. "Yeah, it's me," she sighed. "Want a lift, Lou?"

I blinked, gazing at the dark, gloomy road ahead of me, and nodded. She nodded in acknowledgment, and ducked back in to the drivers seat. I stepped over to the car, opened the door, and slipped in to the passenger seat.

I could feel her eyes on me, trying to catch my gaze, but I focused on outside of the car window. After a few second of stony silence, she let out a sigh, and started up the engine. She threw one last glance my way before twisting the wheel and veering back on to the road.

~~ Lara's P.O.V ~~

The car was silent, and I wanted nothing more than for Louis to say something; a sarcastic quip, a funny comment. But no. Every time I looked at him, he was gazing solemnly out of the window, doing everything possible to avoid looking in my direction, and it killed me. After at least 5 minutes of silence, I couldn't bear it any more. I'd had enough.

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