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I am so sorry for not being active and taking down the story. I had much freetime because of Corona Virus, but I was to lazy to write. Yet I still have many chapters waiting for you, because I wrote in my notebook while being inactive on here. I hope you can forgive me.

Now, I have to make an important shoutout. "bruhthebuilder" he writes wonderful ( please go check him out). I asked him if I should start writing stories. I started even without his response, but after a few chapters I took my story down. Then he saw my question and responded. his answer made me hot for this story again. So sorry for all viewers I had ( Well, at least if you enjoyed the story so far). And now I have to say thank you bruhthebuilder. If you see this, I want to say thanks for your wonderful story and thanks for your hopegiving answer and I guess I have to thank you for the view, if you really see this. :)

And now you don't have to wait long till I get the next chapter out.

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