Chapter 2-Victim of Anger

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Genji's p.o.v

Suddenly my eyes opened. I didn't see all to much and I couldn't move. "Ah, you're awake." A woman with beautiful, blonde hair and wonderful blue eyes, which twinkled in the light, walked into my field of view. "Am I in heaven?", I asked: "Are you an angel?" She chuckled slightly when she heard my questions and told me: "No, I am Doctor Ziegler; you are in the Overwatch main Base in Zurich, Switzerland." "What!", I said: "I should be dead!" "But you aren't.", She talked with a professional voice, but I thought I heard a little bit of proudness in it. "But I couldn't save your whole body. Some parts of it had to be replaced." Her words and eyes were filled with sadness and sympathy. I looked down at my body and felt anger consume me. My body was, all the way up to my chest as well as the right half of my chest and my right arm, pure machine. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? I AM NEITHER MAN NOR MACHINE!" I just yelled these words at her. She started crying, but I didn't feel sympathy. I wanted her to see what I became. I tried to sit up, but I had too much pain. I screamed in agony. She yelled: "DON'T MOVE, YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD! Sorry. I didn't want to insult you." More tears started rolling down on her cheeks again. I still only thought about my new body, I just hated it. A man with blonde hair came through the door. He was wearing a blue uniform and seemed worried. "What's the problem?" He asked still having a worried look on his face. "THIS THING, IS THE PROBLEM!", I screamed at him, while pointing at my new body. Dr. Ziegler said in an angry voice but still sobbing: "It seems he likes the thought of dying more, than the thought of being a Cyborg!" "You know kiddo if Ziegler wouldn't be such a good person, you would be dead by now." "BUT NOW, I AM A MONSTROSITY! I MEAN, LOOK AT ME! I AM ONLY A BUCKET OF BOLTS!" "YES, YOU ARE A MONSTROSITY. BUT NOT BECAUSE OF YOUR BODY, BECAUSE OF YOUR BEHAVIOR!" Dr. Ziegler sounded and looked, as if she would like to just rip my head off. I opened my mouth, but before I could say anything, my vision went black again. When I woke up Dr. Ziegler watched me in a worried expression. But I didn't say anything.

Angela's p.o.v

I felt bad, because of what I said. I hate to hurt people, physically and verbally. When he woke up, he didn't talk to me. I said that I was sorry for the mean words I said yesterday. But he just grunted. I said: "I think we should start with a few walking exercises, so you're gonna be able to walk around by yourself." He seemed embarrassed that he wasn't able to walk, but I said him that I was going to be the only person that was able to see that he had to learn it again, so he gave in. I suddenly noticed that he looked pretty good. The green in his hair slowly growed out and left black hair. He had beautiful brown eyes. It looked as if they were made of chocolate. It wasn't like he had to learn walking again that much he just had to get used to his new legs. So after some time he was pretty good at walking by himself. I showed him around the base. That went pretty well, until we came to Commander Morrison's office.

Genji's p.o.v

Dr. Ziegler showed me around the Base what first off, went good, except that the people starred at me with humiliating looks, probably because the Shimada family caused big trouble in this world. When we came to the office of Overwatch's Strike Commander (Jack Morrison), I heard two people talking behind the door. I heard that they were talking about me: "You said Genji would be Blackwatch's new recruit!" I didn,t know this voice, but when I got mentioned I suddenly stopped. It seemed as if Dr. Ziegler also was interested in this conversation. Now I heard Morrison's voice: "Angela will tell us if he doesn't need her help anymore!" Dr. Ziegler started making an angry expression. "Well, but you know Angela! She'll never think he's ready! I mean, you heard what she said about his mental health: It'll take probably need multiple years until his brain accepts his body. I don't need his damn brain, I need his fucking Body!" My anger crawled up again, consuming me once again. I grabbed her neck and held her against the wall. "I am only your weapon, am I not?" I asked her. "I-I didn't know.", She said while slowly chocking her face was full of tears. She got almost unconscious, but then the door to the office slammed open. Suddenly a man screamed something, but I didn't really understand him. He tackled me to the ground and pinned me down. I saw Jack Morrison, running out of his Office. He checked on Dr. Ziegler while saying: "Okay he's going to Blackwatch. I don't want to see him near Angela anymore." I slowly started realising, what I did. I attacked Dr.Ziegler the only person, who wouldn't give me evil glances or treat me like a weapon. I felt tears running down my mask. Now, it seemed like there was no one left who would accept me, because of what I was.

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