Chapter 13-"34"

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The omnics shot many rounds at the shield. It wasn't going to hold much longer. Genji and Tracer were behind the omnic lines and destroyed them extremely fast. "Shield's going down soon," Reinhardt said through the earpiece. Yes, Genji was destroying them fast. But not fast enough.

Ryūjin no ken wo kūrae!

A green dragon appeared on his side and he dashed through the enemy lines, causing confusion while demolishing them. "Shield down!"Reinhardt yelled. Genji looked over to see some bastions aiming at Reinhardt and Angela. Reinhardt had a massive Armor, but Angela wasn't protected by anything. Reinhardt was running over to shield Angela with his body, but Genji knew he'd be too slow. Genji ran over as fast as he could, he couldn't let her get hurt. He jumped in front of her and deflected the Bastion's bullets, but they shot too fast. One single bullet hit her shoulder. Bit the other bullets pierced his flesh and his mechanical parts. The two bastions were destroyed, but Genji couldn't feel victorious, because everything he could feel was the pain. "Genji" He heard someone scream. He fell to his knees, his eyelids getting heavy. He felt his body impact with the floor and then, nothing. 

Genji's p.o.v

"Beep...... Beep..... Beep" My eyes fluttered open. "Beep... Beep... Beep..." This place seemed familiar, but why? Beep! Beep! Beep!"Genji!" A woman with blue eyes and blonde hair came into my sight. 'How beautiful.' I thought "A-Angela." My voice somehow sounded... robotic. I felt an energy flow throughout my body. I sat up and looked around... and then I looked at me. I had a full-body suit out of metal, it had some green lights. "N-No" I only brought out a whisper. "I am so sorry, I wasn't able to fully protect you." Someone slapped me across the face. I looked up, right into an angel's eyes. "How dare you!" She yelled at me, a sad expression on her face. "You can't just throw your life away like this. I took one single shot and you excuse for not being able to protect me? You were able to protect me, but you didn't even bother to protect yourself!" She looked sad and somehow angry. "34" She yelled at me. "What, 34?" I asked confused. "You took 34 damn bullets!"She screamed. She was sobbing and tears were everywhere on her face. "I hugged her tightly. "Everything will be okay," I tried to calm her down, but it seemed to upset her even more. "Okay? Okay?!! You were questioning yourself. Now you have a full bodysuit. I'm sure you'll be okay with that!" She spat out the last sentence sarcastically. A few seconds before I felt energy run through me, but now I somehow already got tired. I wanted to say something, but my eyelids got heavy and closed. The last thing I felt was something smooth and soft getting pushed onto my lips. I had a wonderful feeling in my stomach and then I passed out.

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