Chapter 4- Show no Mercy

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Angela's p.o.v

I laid a hand on his chest and pushed him down again. "You need your rest." I said with a strict tone in my voice. And I turned around and wanted to walk away. That was when I heard a sob. I turned around to see Genji crying on his bed. "Oh god, Genji what's wrong?" "I don't deserve to be near you. I am sorry for what I've done. I am a monster!" "No Genji. No you're not" I said. I also started to cry. "You are a wonderful man. But you're inflicting wounds upon yourself." "Angela please don't cry he said with guilt in his chocolate brown eyes. I wiped the tears off of my face, but I was still sad. Angela Ziegler, Head of Medical departement, please go to Strike commander Morrison's office." "On my way, Athena." I answered. I walked out of the medical bay, without saying another word. I felt bad for letting Genji lie there without anyone to help him. I arrived at Jack's office, laid a hand on his door and knocked. "Come in." A muufled voice behind the door answered. I saw the two commanders (Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morisson) sitting there with angry faces. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked confused. "No, but Reyes here has made a pretty good job at that. "Could you please clear me up?" I asked, still very confused. "Genji wanted to say sorry but he hadn't got the chance. Mccree and I decided because of two reasons we should take him here. The first one you heard already and the second one is, he had wounds everywhere on his human body. He just wouldn't get himself healed by Moira. With this desicion made, we took of. After some time I asked him who killed him. He clamped his head in his hands and started crying. After a few seconds he fell unconcious. He started screaming as if someone was killing him. Then he whispered something like 'Brother, why?'  A-" I cut his words off "Gabriel Reyes you stupid, incompetent, emotionless Ass-hole!" They both looked at me with shock written all over their faces. "I thought you'd be happy to see him again." He said sounding scaredand almost whispering. "I would be if he wouldn't be in this situation! How do you think you would've reacted, if someone just asks you out of nowhere who tried to kill you!" Jack ckukled a bit seeing Gaberiel's scared face. "Well, I'll get him a plane so he can be brought back to blackwatch. we're gonna stun him then dr. O'deorain can take care of him. He has to start working again as soon as possible. "NEVER!" I screamed at him "He is my patient and I won't let him near that crazy evil 'scientist'!" I spat out the word 'scientist' with disgust. "It would be a compliment to call her methods unethical!" "So he's gonna be sent back after you've taken care of him?" Jack asked, clearly trying not to make me angrier. "Yes!" I said. "But, what if he attacks you again?" Jack asked in a worried face. I just replied "He wont! As long as you treat him for what he is. A human. Not just your weapon, a H-U-M-A-N!" I walked out of the door and slammed it behind me. I heard them say things like "God I thought she'd kill me!" But I just ignored them and walked back to Genji.


I know I'm writing short chapters, but I feel like It's a good point to end the chapter. I also haven't got the new chapter written in my notebook. I will probably update less, because I'm starting a new story about a zombie apocalypse, Overwatch AU (already said this in the last chapter).

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