Chapter 19- I need healing

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Genji's p.o.v

Two weeks past and there was no day I didn't think of her. There were a lot of thoughts whirling around in my head, the most important ones 'Is she okay? Is she sad or happy about me leaving? Did she like me and hates me now, because of my leaving? Did it hurt her and is she still hurt?' and most importantly 'Did I hurt her'. These thoughts crushed me. I already wandered for many kilometers. I tried not to damage my suit too much because of another thought about her. I passed in many countries, but I didn't find what I desired. It felt like I was searching for something that didn't exist. There was only one thing giving me power. "You are no monster, not my creation, and no demon. You are Genji." Those were her words. I didn't know whether she said what she thinks about me or if she was just being nice, but she said it and that was enough to give me the power.

One year, passed and I haven't found my peace. I traveled through the world as a nomad. I would always be looked at. Since the omnic crisis, the people were racist. Many have lost their home and people near them to it and I looked very much like an omnic. It was a hard time. I had to steal food, but I only took as much as I needed. I grabbed an apple and let it slip into my pocket. I walked out of the store and wanted to go on with my journey. A hand grabbed me and a calm, robotic voice talked, "What happened to you?" The memories of everything came pushing on me. They were just too much. "What do you think happened to me?" I asked, trying to calm my anger (without great success). "It was terrifying, that I can tell by your darkened soul. But it seems you are a good person. You don't have to tell me, but I believe I can help... Genji." "Wh- What? You think you can help do you?" I asked sarcastically. "Terrifying you say. YOU KNOW NOTHING! YOU CAN'T HELP ME! NO ONE CAN HELP ME! An angel tried to help me, but she wasn't able to," I whispered the last part. "Sometimes a dumb person is more intelligent than the most intelligent," His voice remained calm. I asked, "What do you want to say with that?" "Sometimes the most capable person isn't able to do it, but a person who is fully new to this can do it," I took it as an offense. He thought he could do better than Angela. "Don't you dare think you can do better than Dr.Ziegler!" I hissed at him. I almost drew a shuriken. "Why are you searching your inner peace, if you don't accept the help you get?" How did he know about my journey? "I don't accept help, because I hurt everyone that tries to do so. I can't control myself, I can't even help the ones that need me the most." "You need healing Genji. And you have to admit it." I sighed the anger had let go of me. I was an emotional wreck. He was right, I needed help. "You are right." Say it out loud. "I need healing," I whispered under my breath. "I didn't hear you. Would you please look at me and say it again. And a bit louder, if that's okay for you. I turned around while sighing, "I need healing." I looked at him for the first time, since he stood there. He had slits for eyes and was floating in mid-air. He had yellow pants on and some sort of balls hovered around his neck. "Teckharta Zenyatta," He introduced himself. I shook his hand. I didn't introduce myself. He somehow already knew me. "I'm gonna make you a better human." He laid money in my hands and looked at me. I couldn't read his emotions all that well, because they didn't even show emotion, but somehow I thought he looked like he was expecting me to do something and I knew what he meant. I walked back to the store and apologized, "I am very sorry. I had the unhonorable thought of stealing this apple. Someone came up to me and changed my mind. I hadn't had money myself, but the person I met was so kind as to give me this money. I know this apology isn't making it better, especially because another person made me do this. Here you have the money and the apple as well." I turned around to make my way out of here and then the shop keeper replied. "This is very nice of you, but please take at least the apple. I don't want someone as kind-hearted as you left starving." I turned around in shock. Why was everyone that nice. I accepted the apple and got out of the store. "It was very kind of you, to tell the shop keeper the truth. But it seems this kind side of you has gotten pressure on it. Your fury tries to get the upper hand of your consciousness. I can help you heal yourself, but it takes time and patience. Do you want to be my student? It would be a pleasure to help you." "I can't say no to such an offer. Thanks... Master." It was a good feeling to finally accept help. I would push me to the limits and one day I would go back to see her. It would probably be painful, I thought, knowing that she would find someone to love. But I had to see her again. One day, I would look at her and see her endless beauty. The thought of her having a boyfriend, maybe even a husband hurt me deep inside. I didn't know what I felt for her, but I knew that I never felt something as strong as this for anyone.

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