Chapter 18-I care...

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Angela's p.o.v

My eyes fluttered open. I didn't know where I was. This room was familiar, albeit something felt strange. It felt like I was in the wrong role. As I looked around I was able to see my coffee mug. I was in this room multiple. It was the med bay and also my office. I remembered everything. "No" I yelled out. "Oh, Doc you're awake. What's wrong?" I heard someone, I recognized her high voice. It was Tracer. "It... It can't be... It has to be a dream," I whispered. "Oi, what's a dream? Could you please talk with me?" She asked, curious about what was going on. I ignored her. I stood up and immediately felt an ache in my stomach, but that wasn't important right now. I ran as fast as I could with all the pain. I walked up to the door and slammed it open, without knocking first. I looked through the room and found a letter lying on the green sheets. The white front of the letter looked like a white void and this void sucked the last bit of hope out of me. I slowly approached the letter. I didn't want to open it, but I had to. The envelope opened smoothly and I pulled the letter out with hesitation. I read it and couldn't hold my tears anymore. They were flowing down in rivers. Something inside of me broke. His words touched me more than every movie or story I've ever seen or read. 

Dear Angela

I want you to know that this decision wasn't easy for me and there was one reason for that. I didn't want to hurt you. I know it's an egoistic act, just going away albeit I know it's gonna hurt you, but I couldn't carry this burden anymore. It was too much. I headed out for a place of peace and tranquility. I don't know where I'm gonna go, I just want to find my place in this world. I want to find my true self. Please understand that all I do, I do to become a better person.

Sincerely Genji


I don't know what you feel for me. Be it hate, disgust, a friendly liking, or just a neutral feeling. I care more about you, than you could imagine.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!" I sat there, sobbing into my knees.  I knew he made the right decision. It was unbelievable, after all this time he thought he was egoistic because of this. It was unbearable pain. I howled in my pain. How was this possible. He did even think I'd maybe hate him. "I could never hate you," I whispered, my voice cracking. I lied onto his mattress and cried myself into sleep.


It ain't long I know, but it seems to say the things it should. If you want to read better Gency stories check out 'Blackwatch (Gency)' and the following book 'The Recall (Gency)' by '_Oni_'. They were the first Gency books I've ever read and still belong to my favorites. He gave up on Gency, which makes me sad, but I hope he'll find back to our community. :)

Hope you enjoyed,

Sincerely, your Lord_ofRavenhall

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