Chapter 16-Sleep

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Angela's p.o.v

I woke up to sunbeams, shining into my face. WAIT! I WOKE UP!! Shit! I slept. Suddenly I realized, I was lying in my dorm. Yes! Looks like I walked back to sleep in my dorm. I won! I started my morning routine. I brushed my teeth and tamed my hair. I showered and changed into new clothes. I walked out of my dorm, making my way to breakfast, wearing a white lab coat over a black long sleeve, and a pair of yellow pants. "Good morning, Angela." "Hello there, loser," I responded to Genji. He chuckled and said "I must admit I'm impressed you walked into your dorm to sleep and didn't sleep in your chair." Something in his voice sounded suspiciously sarcastic. "Had a good night, Lovebirds?" A familiar British voice said behind me. "Fair win doc. At least if you forget the fact that Genji carried you to your dorm." She giggled. "How would you know that?" I asked. Hopefully she lied. I didn't want to have lost to Genji. "So I didn't imagine the flash of light," Genji said. "I lost?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "Technically... yes," Genji answered scratching the back of his neck. "Damn it!" I said angrily. I wasn't really angry, but I was annoyed at myself for thinking I've won. "It's not that bad. We haven't bet on something," Genji tried to reassure me. "But my pride!" I said in a playful sad voice. Genji chuckled. Someone as wonderful as you will never lose her pride. I felt my face going red. I responded "I- um... Thanks." I was flattered. Why did this wonderful feeling come back? He apologized. He sounded embarrassed. "No flirting in the cafeteria," Tracer joked. I got redder and Genji didn't say a single word anymore. "Um... I'm gonna get something to eat I said in an attempt to hide my red face. "Yea... I think I'm gonna train a bit," Genji said, not sounding honest. I've helped myself to some food and worked after that.

Lena's p.o.v

I followed Genji. I wanted to confront him with his feelings. "Oi, got a stalker have I?" He said in trying to imitate my accent (He failed miserably). I laughed at him and gave him a light punch on the shoulder. "So, when are you gonna ask her out?" I asked in a teasing voice. I seemed to have hit a sensitive spot. "I h- have n- no idea who y-you're talk- talking about," He stuttered. "Oh, yes you know," I said giggling a bit. "I-is it that obvious?" He asked voice held low with a bit embarrassment in his voice. "You couldn't miss it if you were dead," I responded. "To come back to your question, she probably doesn't feel the same... It wouldn't have any use." He said. He sounded as if he would be tearing up soon and let his head hanging down. I laughed at how oblivious he was. He lifted his head in surprise. "Why is my sadness so funny?" He asked in a sad voice, which sounded heartbreaking. I stopped laughing. I felt bad for laughing at him, but still. How didn't he notice her feelings? They were both feeling the same, but somehow they didn't realize the feelings of each other. "It's just. It's so obvious." "What is obvious?" He asked confused. "Agent Tracer, please head to Winton's office," Athena's voice sounded. I said "See you." And rushed away. I was happy about not having to answer him. The doctor had to confess her feelings to him. And she had to do it herself.

Genji's p.o.v

I was annoyed because Tracer hadn't had the chance to tell me what this obvious thing was. I walked around the base hoping I would run into her at some point, so I could ask her what she meant. I didn't find her and it seemed as if she was staying out of my way for the whole week. I saw her a few times, only for her to say she had to go. It seemed a bit suspicious, but I brushed off the thought, but Angela was still working too much. I drank her coffee, so she couldn't stay awake. I wasn't able to sleep after all these coffees, but I had to make sure she rested. Soon our mission would start and I was worried. I didn't want Angela to get hurt. "Agents of the strike team, please assemble at the dropship. The ship is departing in 30 minutes." I made my way to the dropship. I forgot the question I wanted to ask because of the worries I had for Angela. I was worried about the others, but she was-. I just couldn't let her get hurt. I didn't know what I felt for Angela, but I thought I was just grateful for her saving me, even though I had this body now. I saw Angela already sitting on the ship. I greeted everyone and sat next to her. She talked a bit to me. I didn't understand much of what she said, but I still listened and found myself interested in the things she said about medicine. It was a 5 hour and 20-minute flight to our destination in Havana, Cuba. Angela talked to me for long, but I heard tiredness in her voice. "Angela, you have to sleep," I said. I had also gotten a bit tired, even though I only listened to her words. "You haven't had much rest yourself and you're gonna retrieve your energy right now! Doctor's orders!" She chuckled "How about you and I go to sleep? Deal?" I asked. "Deal!" She answered. I let the fatigue wash over me. My eyes slowly closed. I woke up and felt something on my chest. I looked down at it and knew my face was red as a tomato. Angela's head rested on my chest. Her blonde hair framed her small beautiful face. Her arms were entwined around my body. I didn't know what I should be doing. Should I wake her up? No. Luckily she awoke by herself. "Um... Good morning," I said, not knowing what else I could say. "Hi, Genji," She responded. She stood up and stretched. She stopped. "Wait a minute. GENJI?!" She turned to me and her brain seemed to process everything and she blushed. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I was just that lazy!" She started apologizing multiple times. I hushed her and said, because of my small pea-sized brain, "It's okay, I think it was cute." I realized what I said, she went a deeper shade of red. "The position not you! I mean not that you're not cute! I mean-" I heard a high girly giggle and a loud booming laugh. I looked at the other side of the ship. I saw Tracer and Winston laughing and rolling on the floor. "I didn't know our highly intelligent professor is such a child," I said sharply. They laughed even harder. They didn't seem to have noticed the sharpness in my voice. Angela joined in the laughter, but she was still pretty red in the face. "We'll arrive at our destination in 5 minutes," Athena informed us.


(Word count: 1210)

Hope you enjoyed it. This will continue with the storm rising event, but I won't write about the mission. You can listen to all the strike team's conversations in this video.

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