Chapter 3-Blackwatch

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As I walked into the black and red coloured ship ( which was here to take me to the Blackwatch HQ) a familiar voice called my name. Dr. Ziegler ran to my side and whispered something in my ear. Before I could ask why, a hand grabbed me and pulled me into the ship. I cried troughout the entire flight, thinking of what monster I have become. I didn't care if other Blackwatch agents thought I was weak, because of that. Because I knew I was able to show them that I am not weak at all later.I worked a few months in Blackwatch now. At first I hated it and I still didn't like it but it became routine. At least not everything was bad. I found a friend, his name was Jesse, Jesse Mccree. But I still couldn't stop thinking about her. Her body, her hair, her eyes and last but not least, her sweet swiss accent. "Whatcha thinking 'bout?" Mccree's words brought me out of my thoughts. "How I'm gonna kick your ass in training." I said trying to sound happy, but it didn't seem to be convincing. "It's the Doc again ain't it?" He asked in his southern accent. " I'm not thinking about the ang-Doctor Ziegler!" I probably said this a bit to loud. Everyone in the cafeteria laughed. Yes, I was standing in the middle of the blackwatch cafeteria screaming at Mccree."Man relax we all know you're feeling bad for what you did. It's nothing to be ashamed of." "You know NOTHING!" After I yelled these words, I sprinted full speed out of the cafeteria. I hid in a bush outside of the cafeteria, even though it was painful because of all the wounds I had. Yes, I had wounds all over my human body. We had a healer here at Blackwatch, but I thought our healer 'Moira' looked as if she would kill me instead of healing me. But the actual reason was what Dr. Ziegler whispered to me on my depart. "Stay out of Moira O'deorain's way." Since she was the one to tell me this, I did it. "Well, well, well" Mccree said snapping me out of my thoughts. "So here you always cry your eyes out, because you can't see your little angel." "What do you want Mccree?" I hissed at him. "Hey, no reason to get aggresive. I just wanted to ask if you want to come with me and Gabe. We're maybe able to get you into the Overwatch H.Q. , so you can go say sorry." When are we going and what is the plan?" " Coming right to the point, if it's about Ziegler don't you." Mccree chuckled. "Okay, we're going right now and if you don't mind Gabe and I will tell you about our master plan in the Airship. Gabriel Reyes already stood there, waiting for us. On the flight they told me about their 'master plan'. It was me trying not to be seen. After their description, we talked about some random bullshit. Suddenly, the conversation changed to a very unpleasant topic. "Hey Genji" Gabriel asked me "I was wondering about this a long time now, who tried to kill you? I felt the memories flush back into my brain. I became a headache which hurt as fuck. I tried not to think about my death, but I couldn't stop the memories coming into my head. Everything went black. And it all happened again. My brother, the clash of our swords, the dragon roar and then all the pain. I felt my body shooting upwards, into a sitting position and my eyes shot open.


Here's the new chapter. I know it's short but I felt like it's the right time to stop. Also I'm gonna write a new story about an Overwatch zombie apocalypse AU. What do you think about that? I only saw it two times on here and thought I could also make one. :)

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