Chapter 14-Fever

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Genji's p.o.v

I woke up and inspected my Body further. It had green lights placed on the upper body and one on its chest. I sighed. "What have I become?" I asked myself. I accidentally shot three shurikens, one of them hitting doctor Ziegler's coffee."Oh no!" I panicked. Luckily the cup didn't get destroyed and it's contents didn't spill on any of the documents. I stood up and got myself some cleaning utensils, out of the janitor's closet next to the med bay. I was cleaning up the coffee puddle on the floor and then someone walked in.

Angela's p.o.v

"Um... What are you doing?" I asked Genji. "I may or may not have shot your coffee mug with a shuriken," He responded. I chuckled he seemed to be worried. I got down to help him clean up. In the process, we got nearer and nearer without noticing. Suddenly our heads impacted. We looked up and our faces were close to each other. I could make out every little curve and edge in his face. I looked into his eyes and barely noticed how my face pushed nearer and nearer to his. The distance minimalized and suddenly our faces were only a few inches apart. I felt a fluttering feeling. I got caught by his chocolate eyes, face still moving forward. Suddenly the door opened and Tracer came in. She looked at us, a big grin on her face. "Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but we got assigned to a new mission with Winston. It will take place in 2 weeks. Further info will follow." Genji and I parted. I got red in my face, not knowing why I just did that. As soon as I looked away from Genji, I didn't feel the fluttering feeling anymore. "We weren't- we were just- we were j-just cleaning the room," Genji stuttered. Tracer didn't seem to believe that. "Yeah, you were cleaning the room. I think you are very productive with your faces inches apart and locked into each other's eyes," She said with a teasing voice. 'Did he only try to clean the room? Didn't he feel the same at that moment?' I thought to myself. 'What do I mean?' I asked myself, 'What did I feel?' I somehow felt hot. My head started aching. I didn't know why it hurt, but it hurt extremely. "Angela. are you okay? You don't look so good. I mean not like you're ugly. I just mean... You look a bit sick." "I- I don't know. I think I'm okay. I tried to get up, but somehow it seemed as if I hadn't got any energy left. I managed to stand up but fell forwards in no time. Someone caught me. "Angela, you are clearly not okay. You feel like you're burning," Genji responded calmly but also very worried. "Ok, I may have a little headache... And probably a small fever." "Small! You are literally bathing in sweat!" Tracer said. "I- It's nothing," I said in a quiet voice. "Oh my god, Tracer call a doctor! Fast!" "Yeah yeah, I won't let your girlfriend die." She replied "No time for jokes!!" Genji screamed. Tracer teleported out of the room. "You'll be okay. Don't worry." Even though I was in immense pain, I could let out a small chuckle. "I think you're the one in panic. I should rather say 'don't worry' to you. I let out a small giggle and then all went black.

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