Chapter 17-Oni

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Genji's p.o.v

OMG! I had a mental panic attack! She told me to buy dinner for her. The mission was over and we made our way to the HQ. Max was locked up in a cell and I had to watch his every move. Back at the base I would plan dinner for tomorrow. I took out a picture of Angela but glanced over it's top every few seconds to check on Max. "What's on that picture?" He asked in his casual voice. "Nothing of your interest," I made him clear that this topic was private, but he didn't seem to care, "What is it? What could be so interesting that you'd look at it for multiple hours?" "No one" I answered coldly. "Oh, so it's a person, huh?" I let my shurikens glide into my hand. "If you don't want one of these in your face, you'd better shut up." "You need me. I am aware of your situation. You need information about Talon, you don't have a chance without me." I knew what he said was true. I wouldn't have done it anyway, but his response made me angrier. "Just leave me alone," I grumbled. He stayed silent for the rest of the flight and got escorted into a cell in the HQ by other overwatch agents. I walked out of the ship thinking about where I could take Angela. I searched for good places near the base and decided to go to a Japanese restaurant and for the dessert, we would go to a swiss ice cream shop nearby. I decided to ask at which time Angela had time tomorrow. I made my way to the med-bay... But she wasn't there. I decided to go look in her dorm. I knocked on the door multiple times, but she didn't open nor say anything. I got worried and decided to check. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was a man in a talon uniform lying on the floor. Multiple things were lying around and on some of them was blood. I panicked. What happened? Could she have escaped? I told Athena to alert everyone about this. The strike commander was by my side after a few seconds. "What happened?" He asked looking in the room. "I don't know!" I practically screamed at him. I was worried and didn't know what to do. "You there," He asked the man on the floor, "What have you done?" "Oh, leave me alone Morrison!" The talon agent said. "Tell me what happened!" Morrison yelled. The talon agent bit something. Froth started coming out of his mouth and he started gurgling. "Damn it!" The strike commander yelled out. I got an idea and sprinted to the cell blocks. Morrison yelled after me, but I didn't have time to say what I wanted to do. I arrived at my destination and opened cell-5a's door. I grabbed Max at his neck and threw him at the wall "WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HER?" I screamed at him. "Who do you mean?" He asked. His voice was, somehow, still calm. "DOCTOR ZIEGLER!!" "Ahh... If they did what I think they did, they kidnapped her. "WHERE IS SHE?" "In some talon base probably." I grabbed him at his suit and pushed him against a wall, "WHERE! IS! SHE!?" "Okay, okay, calm down. I can show you on a map where I think she is. I am not 100 percent sure but I think I know where they brought her."

Angela's p.o.v

He kicked me into my rips. I felt a sting. I had probably a broken rib, which stung into my lungs. I couldn't cry, because I had too much pain. "I'll see you tomorrow" The Reaper said. He cackled and walked away. I was lying there for another hour or so. I heard a scream. I listened carefully. There were shots and screams. I saw a red liquid flowing through the slit under the door. I heard a thump on the door and then somebody talked. I recognized the Reaper's voice, "How ironic. She can get the best out of you, but she can also do the exact opposite. You are her creation. A monster. Sojiro wouldn't call you sparrow anymore. The name that would describe you now is 'Oni'(Sojiro is Genji's father). I heard metal clashing on stone and I saw a cloud of black dust coming into the room and then it exited through a window. The door got kicked out of its hinges and someone familiar ran into the room. "Genji," I whispered with all my strength. He looked down at me and suddenly he started crying. "What have they don't to you? What have I done to them! No," He whispered the last word. He ran out of the room and after two to three seconds he was sitting by my side with a med-kit in his hands. He patched me up as good as he could. I heard someone yelling commands, it sounded like Morrison. "I am sorry Angela, but I can't live with this hatred. I have to find myself and my place in this world. I have to leave. Take care." He made his way to the open window. But I said, "You are no monster, not my creation and no demon. You are Genji." Everything went black.


(word count: 890 words)

Hope you enjoyed it. The Mercy and Genji drawings at the start of this chapter are mine. What do you think about them?

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